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Use of special characters layout?

  • Started by SpeedMorph
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Hakon Hallingstad, the creator of Arensito, proposed a special characters layout. You hit AltGr to access it, and it places special characters under your fingers. It looked like this.

{  }  [  ]           _  <  >  $
;  /  -  0  :     \  1  (  )  =
6  7  8  9  +     *  2  3  4  5

I've been using that idea. Here's what mine looks like:

9 7 5 3 % $ 2 4 6 8
/ = * 1 \ _ 0 : ; #
< > ^ + | @ [ ] { }

It keeps things easy to remember, while also putting more common keys in better positions. I find that it takes longer to type these characters, but it's more comfortable to not have to reach so far.

So my question to you is: What do you think of this type of special characters layout? If you were to use one, what would it look like?

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I think it is awesome, and I use one myself. Additionally, I've remapped the z and / keys as AltGr keys, marked as A below.

Here's mine:

  ~ { }   1 + [ ]  
@ # : * / 0 = ( ) ; !
A \   & | _ - < > A
Last edited by tomlu (30-Aug-2008 19:44:42)
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- I'd rather make a NumPad-on-the-main-block functionality for the number keys, to avoid creating a hard-to-learn (and use?) key jungle.

- The brackets nicely organized looks useful. But I don't see why you should need to organize the <> brackets when they're already accessible? The same goes for some other keys.

- Generally I feel that these good ideas will suffer a bit from overdoing. Maybe we should strive to adhere to the KISS principle?

- I think I'd find it hard to use one of your layouts because I wouldn't remember where you put everything and parts of them don't look easy to remember. Are there any underlying principles that I'm not spotting (apart from bracket placements)?

- So in sum: Yeah, this is cool and all. But I feel that it may easily get too complex, which hurts acceptance and utility.

At a simple glance, you might as well put all the numbers on the home row (directly below their normal spot), their shifted chars on the top row and their AltGr chars on the bottom row. That'd be really easy to remember and as far as I can see it'd achieve the same benefit of avoiding stretches. It wouldn't make for bracket Ordnung, but otherwise it might not be so stupid? One hardship could be the fact that the number row may have different fingering from the main ones on conventional keyboards(because of the stupid row stagger).

Last edited by DreymaR (30-Aug-2008 23:24:52)

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DreymaR said:

- I'd rather make a NumPad-on-the-main-block functionality for the number keys, to avoid creating a hard-to-learn (and use?) key jungle.

- The brackets nicely organized looks useful. But I don't see why you should need to organize the <> brackets when they're already accessible? The same goes for some other keys.

That's because I remapped () to the original <> positions. On my keyboard, . and , are on the top row pinkies, making () easy. I put : ; there because there were two extra spots. I guess that's kind of useless. But besides that, the only ones that are available on my keyboard are [{, ]}, and =+, all of which are hard to reach. All the rows are shifted up, so there's no number row.

I should probably start using num lock instead. ;)

- Generally I feel that these good ideas will suffer a bit from overdoing. Maybe we should strive to adhere to the KISS principle?

- I think I'd find it hard to use one of your layouts because I wouldn't remember where you put everything and parts of them don't look easy to remember. Are there any underlying principles that I'm not spotting (apart from bracket placements)?

I have all the number-related stuff on the left side: / + = * ^

- So in sum: Yeah, this is cool and all. But I feel that it may easily get too complex, which hurts acceptance and utility.

Well mine is fairly simple. I suppose the numbers could be removed, and the bottom row moved to the top, but I actually kind of like having those keys on the bottom.

At a simple glance, you might as well put all the numbers on the home row (directly below their normal spot), their shifted chars on the top row and their AltGr chars on the bottom row. That'd be really easy to remember and as far as I can see it'd achieve the same benefit of avoiding stretches. It wouldn't make for bracket Ordnung, but otherwise it might not be so stupid? One hardship could be the fact that the number row may have different fingering from the main ones on conventional keyboards(because of the stupid row stagger).

! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
¡ ™ £ ¢ ∞ § ¶ • ª º

You mean like that?

My new one with numbers and extra stuff eliminated:

< > ^ % | { } &
+ = * / \ @ [ ] $ #

Hmm... there's some empty spots. I'll look at all the AltGr keys...

`¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠œ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπ“‘«åß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬…æΩ≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷ unshifted
⁄€‹›fifl‡°·‚—±Œ„´‰ˇÁ¨ˆØ∏”’»ÅÍÎÏ˝ÓÔÒÚƸ˛Ç◊ı˜Â¯˘¿     shifted

¨ ´ ` ˜ ß ¿ are international characters. I'm not sure how common some of them are, but I do know that ´ is very common in Spanish, ˜ is fairly common in Spanish, and ß is fairly common in German. Those 3, plus ¨ and ¿, deserve a spot. Right now they're placed over the letter that they go over most commonly: E frequently has an accent, so altGr-E = accent. N gets ˜, S gets ß because ß is pronounced like an S, and U gets ¨. Since this is English, those won't go on the main keyboard. ¿ deserves an upgrade, because it requires altGr-shift-/ to use.

÷ ∞ ≠ ≈ and √ are math symbols. They might get spots. ÷ is replaceable with / in almost every situation though.

Other than those, the only thing that looks common enough is º.

The way I have it set up, space is a dead key, so it's separate from altGr. I can still use altGr. And since ´ ¨ and ˜ are dead keys, that means there's a dead key within a dead key.

< > ^ % | ¡ { } & º
+ = * / \ @ [ ] $ #
≈ ≠ ∞ ÷ √ ¿ ´ ˜ ¨ ß

EDIT: I put in ¡ directly above ¿.

That looks harder to remember. Now I have to focus on making it easier to remember. I could move <> to below the other brackets, but that would complicate things. Plus, it's easy to remember when ^ is next to them. So how can I improve on that? One thing that can be done is put keys over the key that makes sense. But I use a different layout from most people. One thing that can be done is put it under its QWERTY position. But that wouldn't work for some things. Since I have the keyboard shifted upward, ´ would be on the altGr home row. It's too rare for that. Same problem with ¨. ˜ would work, but then it would be below the bottom row, on what I'm using as space. Sigh.

Last edited by SpeedMorph (31-Aug-2008 15:01:58)
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I noticed that these special characters layouts are especially useful for programming. In programming it doesn't matter if it takes a little longer to type: I program slowly anyway, plus there's a lot of thinking time and not much typing time. The added comfort is useful though.

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I use the layout for programming. I find that it both speeds me up and is more comfortable. I do not feel it was particularly hard to commit the layout to memory.

The layout I use has been developed using first computer aid, then fine-tuning it subjectively.

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tomlu said:

I use the layout for programming. I find that it both speeds me up and is more comfortable. I do not feel it was particularly hard to commit the layout to memory.

The layout I use has been developed using first computer aid, then fine-tuning it subjectively.

What sort of computer aid?

I tried to modify my keyboard program to make one, but a lot of it is about making it easy to learn, which is really hard to define in a program. I'd have to make a huge list that says "brackets are common so put them here or here, but put the other bracket to the right side of that one. Put the squiggly brackets either above it, below it, to the side of it, on the opposite side of it and in the same spot, above the pointy brackets, to the side..." and "the asterisk is mathematical, so put it near the other mathematical keys, which are plus, equals, and sometimes minus, but sometimes put minus by something else because it's sometimes used as punctuation..." You get the idea. It is super hard. So I gave up on that and made one by hand.

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What sort of computer aid?

I used a home-grown genetic algorithm similar in spirit to ones used to develop regular keyboard layouts. My corpus was C++ and Python code from my earlier work. It tried to minimise same-finger, but maximise same-hand. This is because I use dual AltGrs similar to the way people use shift, and alternating shift on every other keystroke is very slow.

After I obtained a reasonable starting point from the computer program, I started to move stuff about to make it more logical, checking back with the computer program to make sure I didn't do any blunders. The layout was at every step tested subjectively.

* I keep the most frequently used stuff on the home row
* Semicolon is in its old qwerty place
* I line up the brackets
* Special care has been given to common digraphs (<=, >=, !=)
* 0 and 1 get special places because they are so common in code, especially in conjunction with = , -, +
* - and + are mirrored around =, - is grouped with _
* Left hand covers multiplication, division, logic operators (&, |), code commenting (//, #), and pointer/reference (*, &), roughly grouped
* @ on A because it's "at"

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There's much nice in there. I'd still split it in two though: One NumPad (including / * - +) accessed by SGCaps, and one with the brackets and miscellaneous stuff - on AltGr if you will. This way the misc mappings can be made much clearer I think.

And I'd make sure the brackets all end up in the same place. Since the ,. keys already have either () or <> on them, there's no need to do that one again and the remaining ones should fit nicely on three rows as in Tomlu's layout.

I suppose I'd put the # (comment) on the same key as the other comment mark (").

A simple arrangement of \ | / would be preferrable.

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I've found that it's surprisingly important to have comfortable rolls - perhaps the most important criterion. This means no same-finger or hand alternation for common digraphs. I've compiled a list of these digraphs in case you find it useful for your own layouts:

<= >=   Compare greater and less than or equal
!=        Compare not equal
= 0       Set variable to 0
-1        The number -1 (surprisingly common)
->        C pointer
[0] [1]  Common subscripts for arrays
/* */    C comments
);         A lot of rows in C end like this, eg. f->function(0, 1);
:/        for use in paths, eg. C:/folder
${       python string variable substitution

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Interesting. Looks like you have a same-finger digraph for the surprisingly common number -1? Does that feel annoying?

My idea would put some work on the pinkies (0 1 - = and more; those are already on pinkies but my idea wouldn't help this), but I'm not so worried about that since they are relatively rare characters after all (and I have strong pinkies at least). I still think it looks like a decent idea for the clarity and simplicity of it, but I haven't gotten around to trying it out.

One worry with my idea is that since the []{} would be on the main board and the 0 1 and whatever else goes inside of the brackets would be on the special block (and the same for other combos like /* ); etc) I'd be switching in and out of the special block a lot. That may not be serious though.

Thing is, I think you're among the brighter minds so to you hardly anything might be hard to learn.  ;)  For the common joe it might be a bit more confusing to use your layout?

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Interesting. Looks like you have a same-finger digraph for the surprisingly common number -1? Does that feel annoying?

Yes, it's highly annoying. I have to use non-standard fingering for that similar to the way I type "walk" and "talk" (but mirrored). I haven't found a way to get rid of it; I guess no layout is perfect.

One worry with my idea is that since the []{} would be on the main board and the 0 1 and whatever else goes inside of the brackets would be on the special block (and the same for other combos like /* ); etc) I'd be switching in and out of the special block a lot. That may not be serious though.

I've found that switching in and out is the worst thing to do. By switching in and out I mean for instance typing hand-alternation-high all-caps words like AERO without using caps lock. But if all you are going to give up are the [0] and [1] trigraphs, I wouldn't worry too much - they're not THAT common.

Thing is, I think you're among the brighter minds so to you hardly anything might be hard to learn.  ;)  For the common joe it might be a bit more confusing to use your layout?

Sure; But if common joe is a programmer he uses special symbols a lot. Since common joe managed to learn Colemak, it should be well within common joe's capabilities to learn something like this. :)

The original qwerty positions are no less arbitrary (and in fact are probably more arbitrary) and people learn them eventually. Having said that, I wouldn't really recommend an AltGr special character block for non-programmers.

To close, in my experience just putting the symbols anywhere on the AltGr positions of the alphanumeric keys gets you 70% of the benefit, so if you want to put them in the most logical order instead of some other meaning of "optimal" that is fine too. I am willing to invest a few neurons to get those last few percent of benefits.

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I've been having a mess around with this and it seems like a great idea. So far I have AltGr +

a = -
r = _
s = (
t = )

I have a couple of questions though.

First, it seems that this may put a lot of strain on the right thumb moving inwards more than it's used to (so often). Have users had any problems?

Second, because of the position of the right thumb, not all keys can be accessed comfortably on the right hand. Try typing altgr and m or comma. The physical equivalent of a tongue twister! Is there any point mapping to these positions?

Edit: Just re-read your post tomlu. I see you have remapped altgr. I'm going to look into that as well.

Last edited by simonh (21-Sep-2008 20:53:06)

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To map AltGr in Windows, you'll need a registry remap. That's fine though.

What I'd do is put an extra AltGr on the B key, and move ZXCVB one to the left. This obviously works only if you actually have a key to the left of Z and not one of those key-challenged US boards - unless you're willing to do the drastic thing and put Z on the CapsLock key. The CapsLock could move to the old AltGr key!

Last edited by DreymaR (21-Sep-2008 21:05:26)

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Hi DreymaR. I have found that you can't rely on the extra key to the left of z being there, even in the UK. The 102 key or whatever it's called. After having a play around I think keeping AltGr where it is would be the best thing. After all the thumb is pretty strong. However, I don't want to gamble my thumbs future on it. I will play around for a few days and report any ill effects.

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Edit: Just re-read your post tomlu. I see you have remapped altgr. I'm going to look into that as well.

I thoroughly recommend it. I've sacrificed z and / to do so. I don't miss / at all (since it's in my special characters block), and I've moved z to the Colemak ; position. The latter is admittedly a bit of a bother as z would really rather want to be on the left hand, and I don't like to move alphabetic characters from their Colemak position. Fortunately it is an uncommon letter so I don't suffer very much in comparison to what I gain.

If you have a European keyboard you don't have to move z - just use vk_102 instead of z, or put it on b like Dreymar does.

Alternatively, you _could_ use CapsLock for the left AltGr, meaning z could stay, but you would have to move backspace elsewhere. I've got a TypeMatrix board so a) I don't even have that option, and b) backspace is nicely placed anyway.

To map AltGr in Windows, you'll need a registry remap. That's fine though.

I've actually used AutoHotKey for that purpose. Doing it that way means you have a little more flexibility. For instance, I can retain undo on the z position, since AutoHotKey can detect whether you are pressing ctrl. The z key thus becomes an AltGr/Undo. It sounds a little strange but works really well once you get used to the idea. As an added perk, if you use AutoHotKey it should be possible to make it compatible with portable Colemak if need be.

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Any chance of posting your AHK file to have a play with tomlu?

"It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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Sure thing Simon. I've changed the virtual key codes of the z and / keys using Keyboard Layout Manager to 0x8a and 0x8b, respectively. I then catch them in AutoHotKey by virtual key code and send RAlts (AltGr). If ctrl or ctrl+shift are down, I send z:s instead for undo/redo.

I admit can't remember why I changed the virtual key codes and if it's really necessary. It could be that it was necessary during some earlier step in my experimentation and now it's still there as an historical accident.

EDIT: I was driven to find out, and it was indeed for historical reasons. In my first version, I typed z with AltGr+z instead of moving the key, which required changing the key codes. This is no longer necessary. Just make sure the keys you pick for AltGr do not have anything assigned to their own AltGr positions, or they will start autorepeating.

The AutoHotKey script is:

; Z key
Send {RAlt down}
KeyWait vk5A
Send {RAlt up}

; / key
Send {RAlt down}
KeyWait vkBF
Send {RAlt up}
Last edited by tomlu (22-Sep-2008 13:26:49)
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Thanks for the reply tomlu. Does anyone know how to do this with portable Colemak. It must be possible because CapsLock is remapped to backspace. Cheers for any help.

Edit: just downloaded pkl 0.3. Seems quite different from the last one. What the hell is Prolemak?

Edit 2: Figured it out now.

Edit 3: Here is mine at the moment:

! ? # @ . J $ £ ~ ö
- _ ( ) / \ [ ] { } &
| ^  * % . + =
Last edited by simonh (23-Sep-2008 15:28:43)

"It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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Here is my modified version. It is designed to be useful to both programmers and non-programmers. I'm really happy with the left side and the home row, but the right side above and beneath the home row still needs work. The forward slash is intentionally duplicated. I think the numbers are fine to stay where they are.

! ? # $ &  * < > /
- _ ( ) @  % [ ] { } ^ 
| \ / + =

One last thing. I have put what I believe to be the most commonly used symbols on the left side so that people can remap /? key as suggested by tomlu (fantastic idea, by the way). I think that most keyboards have this key. I'm not too sure that remapping z is something everyone would want to do. If they have the vk_102 key then they can use the right side of the board too.

Any thoughts on this whole thing Shai? Could it be beneficial to include something like this as an optional add-on for Colemak?

Last edited by simonh (25-Sep-2008 10:56:31)

"It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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If people don't want to remap z (a reasonable stance), then perhaps remap the caps lock, or the windows key, or any old key around the left pinky area? Limiting yourself to just one half of the keyboard is going to somewhat constrain the effectiveness of the layout.

For programming, I have the following input:

=, one of the most common characters, has a relatively poor place.

The following common combos involve side switches and will be uncomfortable:

<= >=
/* */

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I see what you mean tomlu. How long have you been using your layout? Have you noticed any strain in the pinkies?

"It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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I've been using various forms of it for, oh, six months or so. The first month or so I used pedals instead while I was still on the Kinesis keyboard, and that worked ok too. It took about two weeks to get used to it, and it's been crusing since then.

No pinky strain. If you think about it, the pinkys are already used to the kind of stress we're talking about. When programming using a normal layout, you have to use shift instead to get to most of the special characters, and shift is a pinky key in exactly the same way as AltGr.

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simonh said:

Any thoughts on this whole thing Shai? Could it be beneficial to include something like this as an optional add-on for Colemak?

Disclaimer: I, most obviously, am not Shai - and yet I'd like to answer anyway!  ;)

No. Something like this will be too involved for general use, and the ones with high enough geekness to go for it will either be able to map it themselves or find it on your/Tomlu's/whatever site it will reside on eventually. Furthermore, Shai has already expressed his inability to devote time to maintaining multiple versions of Colemak so "optional add-ons" are off the menu I think.

I'm taking a somewhat different approach to these things myself: Multiple shift-state keys (or transpose keys as I like to call them). When I'm done with it we'll see how good it gets, but basically the idea is to bring the NumPad, arrows and other keys to where you are (i.e., the home row) using a modifier key for each such transposition. The benefits to this include that the actual scan codes are transposed instead of just sent glyphs (most of the time) thus allowing for the use of other modifier keys with the transpositions, that the positions of transposed keys will be easily recognizable from their original positions (for the most part) thus requiring very little learning, and that each such transposition will be relatively moderate so it's not too overwhelming. One transposition for the half-colemak (one-handed typing), one for the NumPad (plus a few extras), one for the nav keys, maybe one for bringing the top row down etc.; and it will be modifiable by the user. I'm hoping to get this added as a module for PKL eventually - PKL already has one very nifty "extend key" so it only needs a tidy way to add lots of them.

Last edited by DreymaR (25-Sep-2008 17:30:16)

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Sounds like a big, interesting project you have there DreymaR. Good luck.

I noticed the extend mode in the latest PKL. I haven't yet figured out how to use it with Colemak though. For that matter does anyone know what Prolemak is? And why Colemak was not included with PKL instead of being a layout you have to download separately?

Any more info on this extend mode would be appreciated DreymaR (or anyone).

"It is an undoubted truth, that the less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in." - Earl of Chesterfield

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