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    Software, not hardware confusion

    • Started by NeoMenlo
    • 19 Replies:
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    I was telling someone just now how they could save their fingers a lot of grief.

    I gave her a link to the site.

    She responds, "do you have that keyboard?"

    This is where it occurred to me that this is the weird statistics about how many people download them. Theres so many non-windows users, because a large portion of windows users don't know anything about computers.

    How exactly do we go about explaining it for the cave dwellers? (hey, they're learning to press buttons too!)
    I say cave dwellers, mostly because we should make it "so easy a caveman could do it"

    I'd avoid words like hardware, software, and remap.

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    • From: Köln, Germany
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    lol, i argree, we need to make it easily understandable... how about listing as an advantage that you don't need a new keyboard... i mean, what is there not to understand??
    maybe she just wasn't interested so she did'nt read it properly. or maybe she's just a dumb shit... hehe... sorry! (",)

    what i'm trying to say is, that we need to make this interesting to the cave (wo)men. i.e. nice and colourful with lots of flash!

    o man... that would take away every bit of seriousness from our site though...

    Last edited by vilem (14-Apr-2007 13:42:53)
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    um.... that's already under one of the advantages...

    its under "free"

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    okay, this seems to be a difficult one.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Yes, this is a somewhat tricky issue. The correct answer to the girl might be "Yes, I have that keyboard - and you can too FOR FREE!" *teeth sparkling in the sun*. Haha. I think that most people with enough computer training to reach this site should be able to grasp the concept of keyboard layout mappings, but you're still right: Some won't, and at any rate we need to find the best words to ease people into an understanding.

    Stressing the "free" and "no new equipment (really) needed" part even more on the intro pages is a good idea I think. Maybe Shai will look into that.

    But furthermore, I think we need to look into acceptable ways of getting our beloved layout in physical form for those who want it that way. For Shai and me, and probably for most of the current users, leaving the old QWERTY labels in place (or using a blank board instead) may be the best option after all. But to be honest, I'm starting to want my own keys "properly" labeled. If for nothing else, then so my young daughters will grow up with Colemak! They look at the keyboard and type what they see there of course.

    [Edit: Keyboard modding considerations moved to a new topic in the Technical forum]

    The moment we have a really good physical board solution, the world will take us a bit more seriously. This effect should not be underestimated I think. To many users, the hardware is more than just a means to accessing the software. We who live "inside the box" must not forget that many users aren't quite there, and must see the box to trust its existence.

    Last edited by DreymaR (22-May-2007 22:53:12)

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    I completly forgot where I saw this, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

    There is a keyboard thats got like a backlite + LCD screen on each key. The concept was meant for hotkeys. For example, they make it so that when you open photoshop, they keys turn to the icons. They also have a little pad at the left for opening programs, which you can configure easily yourself.

    What if we promote that? We'd have to design some special software. Ultimately, it would make it easy to switch back and forth between qwerty and Colemak, because the user could set that up at the left. There are reasons to switch back like gaming.

    Speaking of gaming, what about a different piece of hardware; the Zboard.

    We wouldn't need to design any special software, they give you the software already: the ZEngine (creative naming scheme, huh?)

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    You're thinking of the Optimus Keyboard, Neo.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimus_keyboard

    Also, the Apple keyboard has identical keycaps in all three rows, so it's easy to swap the keycaps on.  It's also widely availably, well built and works with both Windows and OS X.  Mine: http://korivak.org/images/colemak2.jpg

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    That thing's expensive! (1500$)
    http://www.artlebedev.com/everything/op … e-compare/
    its the third one down

    maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

    Last edited by NeoMenlo (17-Apr-2007 22:57:07)
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    The thing about physically changing the keys is, that that will put the bumps for the index fingers of the home row in wrong places.

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    It is a little bit annoying, but I prefer that to messing up keyboard shortcuts by pressing the wrong key.

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    what kind of shortcuts?

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    Command-H for Hide, Command-T for New Tab...things like that.  I've got years of muscle memory for the ZXCV block, but the rest of the shortcuts I do while glancing at the keyboard.  Even on QWERTY, I never got to the point where I could hit a single key on command without either putting all ten fingers in place or glancing, I usually just glace.

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    Well, command+H stays the same anyways, but i think i get your point...

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    On the wikia scratchpad, it says

    Don't buy a new keyboard, just change the key mappings

    I think most people would actually understand this as that they physically have to move keys, which is exactly what we don't want people to think!
    Any suggestions how we could say that??

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    To avoid confusion, i would say something like...

    "Don't buy a new keyboard, just install a program"
    Most people know how to install a program
    However, since some people are more technical, there should probably be something that explains that it is done by remapping it, right below the "install a program"

    Last edited by NeoMenlo (18-Apr-2007 21:28:20)
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    • From: Houston, Texas
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    Don't change your keyboard, just let your computer do the work switching the layout.

    Don't change your keyboard, just let your computer do the work.

    Don't change your keyboard, just let your computer keep a map in it's memory of the new layout.

    emphasis on the computer doing something and not the user,
    something like that...

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    • From: Köln, Germany
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    I like

    "Don't buy a new keyboard, just install a program"

    and you might just change it to

    "Don't buy a new keyboard, just install a program which remaps the keys"

    or something like that

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    [Edit: I've put the post about modding a Saitek board to Colemak into a new Technical topic at https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=188 ]

    Last edited by DreymaR (22-May-2007 22:55:53)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    Looks nice.

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    [Edit: I've moved the post about modding Siemens slimline keyboards into a new Technical topic at https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=188 - my apologies for making a mess of this topic in the process.]

    Last edited by DreymaR (22-May-2007 22:57:25)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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