...and I'm averaging about 35 wpm at the moment. I found I get the most progress out of practicing in short, daily bursts of 10-20 TypeRacer races (which so far seems to cause a leap of about 5 wpm every day) focusing entirely on accuracy rather than speed. In fact, when I look at my race history, there seems to be a strong correlation between speed and accuracy, so I would roughly conclude that making typos and pressing backspace wastes more time than focusing on getting the next letter right.
My impressions so far...
The good:
- Significantly more efficient than QWERTY all-around, but especially when it comes to common words and letters. I can feel my fingers traveling a lot less and making less of the awkward gestures that make QWERTY so annoying.
- As a heavy keyboard shortcut user, I can appreciate ZXCV and A being maintained in the same position. Getting used to new keyboard shortcuts is a whole other beast.
- As a 30% French typist, it's nice to have built-in French characters available at what I assume are optimized AltGR positions.
The bad:
- Despite how common H is, it requires a stretch of the index finger from its default position. I understand why it's there and I'll probably get used to it, but it feels a tad wasteful.
- Same finger WR/RW bigraph, which for some reason I find myself using quite a bit in day-to-day typing ("wrong, underway, underwent, wrath, doorway, Norway...")
- "You" is uncomfortable to type; my fingers just don't respond well enough in that order of movement to do it in a smooth motion, so I can already tell it's going to be a bottleneck. I'm actually thinking of switching around Y and O (and would love to read counter-arguments for that.)
Other than the "you" thing, those are minor issues that probably won't make a difference once I approach my QWERTY speeds. I don't care much for "easy to learn" and would have preferred a full optimization of my typing, but it's hard to tell which layouts would even come close to providing that, and I preferred to use a layout that is widely established as a viable alternative.
Any tips are welcome. Also, if there's a variant of the layout with better support for French, please let me know. Cheers.