Hi, so a little while ago i switched from qwerty to dvorak in my quest to find the best layout.
I got to 50 wpm on dvorak in 5 , during that tine i did 700 races on typeracer.
After all that i did a little research and found out i was wrong, and that dvorak was not the best, although besides the 'f' and the 'l' keys, i liked it a lot.
I learned from looking at the carpalx studies that most likely the best 'real' layout (q*mlw* doesnt count for real for me ha) is colemak.
So, switching again after all that work was a pretty traumatic experience, but i decided to do it anyways, but this time i decided to take more time
After 2 days i have a 8 wpm with colemak, and yeah , by now im very confused ( like my mind feels so boggled with the keys after all the switching) and i actually seem to like dvorak better than colemak which im typing right now,
I dont know if this is just because of the my traumatic experience of all the layout switching, or possibly ive just been typing or something (btw, before all this i typed over 5k races on typeracer in about 6 weeks).
My arms staring to hurt now so i might type less, but do i really actually like dvorak more or is it just an illusion?
For me i feel as if in a dvorak vs colemak competition colemak simply dominates because it seems that dvorak was just something created when there was not that great statistics and studies available like today