I have a United Kingdom MS Windows keyboard, which has a few differences from the US keyboard. See e.g.
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_a … _keyboards>
The number and letter keys work fine with either the Colemak Windows layout or the AutoHotKey script, but some of the symbols get switched from those shown on my key labels - quite a few of them with the Colemak Windows layout, only two keys (' # unshifted, @~ shifted) with AutoHotKey. I thought i'd be able to fix AutoHotKey by editing the script Colemak.ahk, but i can't see how to do this as I can't see what's causing the problem - I can't spot anything obvious in the script that would affect these keys. At present I can't type # or ~ without suspending AutoHotKey, which is irritating, while to get ' or @ i need to remember to press the key next door.
I'd be grateful for any ideas for fixing either the Colemak Windows layout or the AutoHotKey script to work better with a UK keyboard, but particularly AutoHotKey as i don't have admin privileges on all the PCs I use.
Setting US QWERTY as the current layout before using AutoHotKey won't work as the UK keyboard differs physically from the US one, e.g. it has one more key.