Formerly titled: 'Dvorak right pinky workout word list'. I've changed the post slightly to fit in a little better with the Colemak forum.
Here's a right handed pinky lesson generated using the program 'dict', taking the words from the moby-thesaurus. I made it for Dvorak to mainly test how bad the 'ls' and 'sl' digraphs are. These get a bad press, as they require the use of the same finger. Dvorak can overload the right pinky, especially if you are not used to it (e.g. coming from Qwerty). Personally I don't really find the digraphs that awkward. I am however slightly slower with these words.
Under Colemak: 'O' is the only letter to fall under the right pinky, so the lesson might not translate all that well. You could use a variant of the following commands to construct other word lists. These might be useful for troublesome digraphs or same finger workouts.
$ dict -m -s regexp 'sl'
$ dict -m -s regexp 'ls'
advantageously aimlessly aisle also annals anxiously asleep atrociously backslapper backslide backsliding balls balsam bifocals bolster bowels bullshit businesslike carelessly compulsion compulsive compulsively compulsory consciously conspicuously convulse convulsion credentials details devils dislike dislocate dislocated dislocation dislodge disloyal disloyalty doubtlessly effortlessly else else elsewhere emulsify emulsion endlessly enslave entrails evulsion expeditiously expressly expulsion externals false falsehearted falsehood falsely falseness falsetto falsification falsified falsify falsity famously ferociously fingernails foothills footslog fulsome furiously gaslike gaslit generalship generously genitals gosling graciously grassland grievously grisly grossly harmoniously hassle heartlessly heedlessly heels hideously humorously impetuously impulse impulse impulsive impulsively impulsiveness industrials industriously infamously initials instantaneously island isle judiciously laboriously landslide laurels legislate legislation legislative legislator legislature LSD maelstrom magnanimously maliciously measles millstone millstream morals nuptials palsied palsy palsy pollster propulsion propulsion propulsion pulsar pulsate pulsating pulsation pulse pulsing quarrelsome repulse repulsion repulsive revulsion revulsive slam slate slave slicker slide slip slow souls spoils toilsome upholstery victuals vitals wellspring welsh welsher wheels
It's quite a brutal pinky workout (compounded if you make any errors!) I've combined them into one long list alphabetically (this might not actually be the best order). I could have added the 'ss' digraph, which might add more regular words than the ones listed.
I would probably advise mixing the words into your own texts to gently toughen the pinky rather than hammering it all in one go. Some prefer intense drills, so I'll let you do as you please with the list. Just be careful, especially if you are a newcomer to Dvorak.
The list feels quite vowel heavy, perhaps that's just my perception, but I found it an interesting work out for the left hand under Dvorak (as it places all the vowels there.)
I'm interested in general fingering patterns that might benefit the typist, and incorporating them into practice texts. Is there a 'method' in making good typing lessons? Has anyone noticed any obvious/good patterns in their typing software?
A pattern drill for the left hand could be something like this: 1234432112344321.
Layout agnostic lessons could be constructed from such patterns. Would this be a good idea - or do you think Dvorak/Qwerty/Colemak fingering is wildly different in style - should you focus on problem areas/digraphs/words instead?
Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.