Edit: The layout turned out to be not good, some words are very uncomfortable to type, for example: "you". therefore this layout is inferior to Colemak, don't use it
Edit: I am sorry people. It was a mistake saying that version was to be the final. That was silly.
This is version 1.2 and hopefully the last:
l h d w b k y u m ;
r n s t g p e a i o
z x c v q j f , . /
Edit: The Final version of Vjustinak is this:
Edit: version 1.1, don't use:
h l d w b k y m u ;
r n s t g p e i a o
z x c v q j f , . /
It fixes having A and E adjacent in inverse horizontal order to qwerty and R and S adjacent in inverse horizontal order to qwerty (see my post: https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php … 100#p11100 ) which IMO, and in my case, is a cause of typing mistakes.
(If I ever create other layouts they won't be called Vjustinak, they will have their own name)
Edit: Added some stuff I had forgotten to write:
Edit: I'd forgotten to mention that it's thanks to Loonster's post that I could figure out how to make the layout.
Edit: The following version is deprecated (use the final version instead):
h l d w b k y u m
n r s t g p e a i o
z x c v q j f
Design principles:
1. reduce the use of the two central keys of the home row:
vs. Colemak: success (p instead of h)
vs. Qwerty: success
2. increase hand alternation:
vs Colemak: success
vs. Qwerty: success
3. reduce same finger usage
vs Colemak: failure
vs. Qwerty: success
4. Keep zxcv and non-alphabet characters on the Colemak positions.
5. Ignore factors such as: inside rolls, outside rolls, weaker fingers, combos, trigraphs, distance,...:
Edit:6. I scored the positions on the keyboard this way, the smaller the number the better,:
2 2 2 5 6 6 5 2 2 ;
1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1
z x c v 7 7 4 ; ; ;
- It's handcrafted. I only used a spreadsheet.
- bigrams list from http://norvig.com/ngrams/ (count_2l.txt)
- I didn't intend to keep RSTGIOU in the colemak positions, it just happened.
Using this page as text: https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=324&p=1
Finger Travel Distance
Qwerty 1297
Dvorak 789
Workman 726
Colemak 706
ALLENAK 0.9 "Light" 699
Vjustinak 680
QWERTY 1539.3
Simplified Dvorak 998.3
Allenak 9 light 951.3
Colemak 931.1
Justinak 927.1
Same finger use:
% Keys typed with the same finger as the previous key
Qwerty 4.20%
ALLENAK 0.9 "Light" 3.80%
Vjustinak 2.80%
Workman 2.60%
Dvorak 2.30%
Colemak 2.00%
QWERTY 4.30%
Allenak 9 light 3.80%
Justinak 2.80%
Simplified Dvorak 2.40%
Colemak 2.10%
Consecutive Hand Use
ALLENAK 0.9 "Light" 33.40%
Qwerty 29.80%
Workman 29.00%
Colemak 27.10%
Vjustinak 24.80%
Dvorak 21.70%
Allenak 9 light 31.40%
QWERTY 27.90%
Colemak 25.10%
Justinak 22.80%
Simplified Dvorak 19.80%
Row Jumping with the same hand:
Qwerty 8.60%
Workman 2.40%
Vjustinak 2.40%
Colemak 1.80%
Dvorak 1.60%
ALLENAK 0.9 "Light" 1.60%
Outward Rolls:
Workman 15.60%
Colemak 14.20%
ALLENAK 0.9 "Light" 14.00%
Qwerty 13.90%
Vjustinak 12.60%
Dvorak 8.90%