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    • Started by ChaperonNoir
    • 2 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • From: Saguenay Lac St-Jean
    • Registered: 29-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 24

    It's been a long time since i posted here. I didn't succeed to switch to Colemak. And i don't practice my Colemak anymore :(
    When i stopped, i had a speed of about 40 wpm. (I can score 220 at words). On the other hand, my qwerty speed is amazing as i have a score of 2200 at the "words" game... Perhaps i was too strong a qwerty user to have any chance of switching...

    But there's good news =) I didn't lose any of my colemak speed. You don't forget this kind of stuff, it's like bicycle. The other day, at school, i showed Colemak to a very interested computer science freshman :) I was amazed that i had not lost my ability at all. This way, i could show him how good colemak was and he was amazed because i was typing pretty fast, and yet, my fingers were not moving at all.

    It reminded me of the good times i had when learning colemak :( I feel i should try again someday.

    School's end is drawing near (one week tops) . I'll have plenty of time to take back colemak's learning.

    There's also another good reason on why i stopped colemaking =) I discovered how fun x86 assembly programming is :

    :) See you soon guys, do your best too !

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,379

    Ah, Chaperon mon frére, I hope you'll get a little more time and find the Colemak is fun again. It's like playing a musical instrument: Sometimes you get sidetracked and/or just want to give it up - but if you stick with it a little more it will pay off and you'll be happy you did!  :)

    I don't believe that a strong QWERTY muscle memory in itself is a major hindrance to using Colemak. But it will certainly make the switch itself more frustrating since your initial speeds will be so much worse in comparison.

    Last edited by DreymaR (13-May-2007 08:23:51)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • Reputation: 2
    • From: Houston, Texas
    • Registered: 03-Jan-2007
    • Posts: 358

    I don't think he looks at it as a hindrance.

    He has just been seduced by the dark side.  :-)

    Imagine if he had grown up using Colemak....

    Last edited by keyboard samurai (13-May-2007 06:06:08)
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