Even if we were to somehow achieve this "perfect" layout. It would no longer be perfect after 100 years, since many new words would have appeared and replaced some of the current words we use. Example: "smart phone", "ipad" and "laptop" are words that were not used back when Dvorak was created, now however, they are incredibly common and you see them on every ad you look.
Also, stop arguing over Colemak and Dvorak, most statistics will show you that they score virtually the same. Depending on the text Dvorak may score a bit higher or Colemak may score a bit higher. Both are much better than qwerty but neither is significantly better than the other.
I chose colemak, due to the fact that I could already touch type on qwerty and therefor colemak would allow for a much easier transition between the 2. Moreover colemak' had an amazing community which was much brighter than any Dvorak one that I had seen.
Posted without the aid of a rodent.