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    BULPKM layout?

    • Started by UltraZelda64
    • 3 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • From: Ohio, U.S.
    • Registered: 09-Dec-2012
    • Posts: 101

    I've seen a few references to an older, now deprecated CarpalX layout that was apparently replaced with the current set of "full optimization" layouts.  Does anyone know what was it like?  And was it a single layout, or a family like the current CarpalX layouts?  I've tried some web searches, but they led to nothing in terms of information really.  I didn't even see a trace of history at the CarpalX site, which is kind of odd considering it has so much information on other older and obscure layouts.  And even something as relatively useless as TNWMLC!

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Why bother with the older iterations? There are wayyyy too many newer ones to ponder anyway! ;)

    As has been pointed out, small adjustments in metrics or even minor differences in seeding will spew out a plethora of improved layouts that in reality differ very little in efficiency - and in my opinion it's quite impossible to determine with any certainty which of them is actually the better one within the expected uncertainties of their design. So while you might be able to find one that performs 2% better than another, if the uncertainties are 4% anyway you won't be able to find it out without rigorous scientific testing for which we don't have the means.

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    • Reputation: 0
    • From: Ohio, U.S.
    • Registered: 09-Dec-2012
    • Posts: 101
    DreymaR said:

    Why bother with the older iterations? There are wayyyy too many newer ones to ponder anyway! ;)

    I was just curious of its history, that's all.  There are actually only three layouts that I'm not only interested in, but plan on giving a serious try (the first, as you probably already know, is well underway).  Any others, at this point, I'd say are going to be brief trials and that's it.  Even with a brief trial of CarpalX QWKRFY/QWYRFM I've noticed a few things I didn't really care for, and ended up limiting my possibilities to a single "fully optimized" layout.

    Edit: Never mind, it seems that older copies of the CarpalX site from different periods of time are stored on the Internet Archive.  Plenty of information seems to be there.  I don't know why I didn't already think to look there; I usually do as a last resort when even Google is not enough.

    Last edited by UltraZelda64 (24-Jan-2013 21:20:11)
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    • Reputation: -5
    • From: Banned
    • Registered: 02-May-2015
    • Posts: 116

    Hey, I found image of BULPKM!
    And an image of BUL!

    Last edited by PiotrGrochowski (13-Jun-2015 20:17:20)

    Banned from Colemak

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