I'm desperately trying to identify which words I enjoy typing. It's difficult!
I used to practice alot with popular word lists. So figure that's a good place to begin.
I grabbed a list of popular verbs from here:
This is a list of 331 words, comprising the most commonly used english verbs.
I sometimes reorder my word lists to break the monotony. Sometimes randomly, sometimes alphabetically. Today I had a revelation, and ordered the list by their endings!
The nice thing about having a list of words ordered this way, is that you get to focus a little on practicing common word endings.
Alphabetically sorted:
accept account achieve act add admit affect afford agree aim allow answer appear apply argue arrange arrive ask attack avoid base be beat become begin believe belong break build burn buy call can care carry catch cause change charge check choose claim clean clear climb close collect come commit compare complain complete concern confirm connect consider consist contact contain continue contribute control cook copy correct cost could count cover create cross cry cut damage dance deal decide deliver demand deny depend describe design destroy develop die disappear discover discuss divide do draw dress drink drive drop eat enable encourage enjoy examine exist expect experience explain express extend face fail fall fasten feed feel fight fill find finish fit fly fold follow force forget forgive form found gain get give go grow handle happen hate have head hear help hide hit hold hope hurt identify imagine improve include increase indicate influence inform intend introduce invite involve join jump keep kick kill knock know last laugh lay lead learn leave lend let lie like limit link listen live look lose love make manage mark matter may mean measure meet mention might mind miss move must need notice obtain occur offer open order ought own pass pay perform pick place plan play point prefer prepare present press prevent produce promise protect prove provide publish pull push put raise reach read realize receive recognize record reduce refer reflect refuse regard relate release remain remember remove repeat replace reply report represent require rest result return reveal ring rise roll run save say see seem sell send separate serve set settle shake shall share shoot should shout show shut sing sit sleep smile sort sound speak stand start state stay stick stop study succeed suffer suggest suit supply support suppose survive take talk teach tell tend test thank think throw touch train travel treat try turn understand use usedto visit vote wait walk want warn wash watch wear will win wish wonder work worry would writeaccept account achieve act add admit affect afford agree aim allow answer appear apply argue arrange arrive ask attack avoid base be beat become begin believe belong break build burn buy call can care carry catch cause change charge check choose claim clean clear climb close collect come commit compare complain complete concern confirm connect consider consist contact contain continue contribute control cook copy correct cost could count cover create cross cry cut damage dance deal decide deliver demand deny depend describe design destroy develop die disappear discover discuss divide do draw dress drink drive drop eat enable encourage enjoy examine exist expect experience explain express extend face fail fall fasten feed feel fight fill find finish fit fly fold follow force forget forgive form found gain get give go grow handle happen hate have head hear help hide hit hold hope hurt identify imagine improve include increase indicate influence inform intend introduce invite involve join jump keep kick kill knock know last laugh lay lead learn leave lend let lie like limit link listen live look lose love make manage mark matter may mean measure meet mention might mind miss move must need notice obtain occur offer open order ought own pass pay perform pick place plan play point prefer prepare present press prevent produce promise protect prove provide publish pull push put raise reach read realize receive recognize record reduce refer reflect refuse regard relate release remain remember remove repeat replace reply report represent require rest result return reveal ring rise roll run save say see seem sell send separate serve set settle shake shall share shoot should shout show shut sing sit sleep smile sort sound speak stand start state stay stick stop study succeed suffer suggest suit supply support suppose survive take talk teach tell tend test thank think throw touch train travel treat try turn understand use usedto visit vote wait walk want warn wash watch wear will win wish wonder work worry would write
End sorted:
climb head lead read add succeed feed need avoid build fold hold could should would demand stand understand lend depend send tend intend extend find mind found sound regard record afford be describe face place replace notice dance experience influence force reduce produce introduce decide hide divide provide include agree see damage manage encourage change arrange charge die lie shake make take like enable handle smile settle come become imagine examine hope care share prepare compare require measure base release increase raise promise rise lose close choose suppose use cause refuse indicate create hate relate separate state complete write invite vote contribute argue continue leave have save achieve believe receive give forgive live drive arrive survive involve love move remove prove improve serve realize recognize ring sing belong reach teach catch watch touch laugh wash publish finish wish push speak break attack check kick pick stick knock talk walk thank think link drink cook look mark work ask deal reveal feel travel fail call fall shall sell tell fill kill will roll pull control seem aim claim confirm form inform perform can clean mean plan open happen fasten listen design gain complain explain remain train obtain contain begin join win mention learn warn concern burn turn return run own do go usedto keep sleep help jump develop drop stop hear clear appear disappear wear remember consider wonder order refer prefer offer suffer matter deliver cover discover answer occur pass dress press express miss cross discuss eat beat repeat treat act contact affect reflect collect connect expect correct protect meet get forget let set fight might ought wait fit hit admit limit commit sit visit suit result want present represent prevent point count account shoot accept start report support sort hurt last suggest rest test consist exist cost must cut shut shout put draw show allow follow know grow throw lay play may pay say stay study identify fly reply apply supply deny enjoy destroy copy cry carry worry try buy
If anyone wants to do this, I basically imported a list of words into a Python list, then looped through all the words, added the reversed words to a new list, that I then sorted. I then reversed the words again - and dumped them to a text file. I'll try and do something useful like write a list of utilities to share at some point.
Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.