Hi everyone,
I remembered about the forum and here i am to share with you my progress.
Today - Day0 = 2 years and 9 months of Colemak.
I probably still can do 80 WPM on Qwerty even if i use it probably just once few months for few minutes on average on other PC's.
Because of my hand position on Colemak and because i wanted to have the best tools to type as good as i can (that's why I chosen Colemak in the 1'st place) and keeping in mind my financial possibilities i bought this keyboard on 17 November 2011(said this in previous post):
It's a Microsoft Natural 4000, it is ergonomic(For real, no bullshit shapes that don't help) and it's one of the best Rubber Dome keyboards out there.
I never typed on a mechanical keyboard, they are way too expensive and i wanted something to keep my hands in / \ shape, i type easier like this.
Let's start with Typeracer:
I have typed until now 25,489 races on the normal universe + few thousands on Accuracy and EasyTexts.
I repeat that I never quit a races on purpose, i type everything and i achieve AVG speeds on normal universe ranging between 110-130, and at the moment most of the times around 120+ WPM.
To see the exact progress and every single race visit the database: Click
PS: On June 2013 exploiting a bug on Typeracer someone took control over my account and did 10 races, all being 200+ WPM( Cheater obvious ), even if the races were removed from the Typeracer by Alex(Typeracer Creator) they remained of the Database hosted by Sean Wrona.
Hi-Games.net now:
This is my profile: Click.
For me to be a good typist doesn't mean to type just fast, you must be constant and resilient, that's why from time to time i type on Hi-games the 50 minutes test.
Fist time i managed 84 WPM.
Almost every time i did it again after a few months i improved my speed.
I even recorded it once and posted it on youtube because the site do not save such long tests, would eat too much space on the server.
Me typing 50 minutes Test on Hi-games.net and achieving 96 WPM.
To access this test all you need is to modify the link, where the number means the number of seconds
For example:
http://hi-games.net/typing-test,3000/ - 3000 seconds means 50 minutes test.
http://hi-games.net/typing-test,30/ - The standard test of 30 seconds.
http://hi-games.net/typing-test,60/ - The standard test of 1 minute.
And so on, you can try practically every test.
I even did 1 hour once managing 97 WPM, this was after the Youtube one, so as you imagine the link contains the number 3600 meaning 60 minutes * 60 seconds.
At the moment my best is 105 WPM for the 50 minutes test, this is my true speed in my opinion, not things like my 199 WPM i achieved on Typeracer on EasyTexts on "I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I know you know this bloke. This is a bloke you know."
The last site i often type on is 10 Fast Fingers: Click For my Profile
I usually type the English and my Romanian test.
Romanian best speed was 148 i think on the new words, in the past was easier ones and i was able to do 160 i think, at that point i was doing 130 best on English test which is the exactly one today is used, and on which i have 158 i think my best score.
Here is a 157 one that i saved: Click
Last night i took a picture when i had 133 AVG on Typeracer on the normal universe, probably my best ever:
I'll end this with my thoughts on how you can evolve in typing in an efficient manner:
If you want to type faster, don't care too much for accuracy, just bang your head on lots and lots of http://10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english to learn to type very fast the core words of the language. After that just train lots and lots of http://play.typeracer.com/?universe=easytexts, this way you have just few texts to type, easy ones, and all you build now it's RAW speed in your fingers even if you can't control it yet(which is what most of the people miss, raw finger speed).
Now comes the part where you are just a mess and you do mistake after mistake(If you did too much of this, which is not necessarily bad in the long run, just at the moment), but you got speed built in your flesh.
Do few weeks of training http://play.typeracer.com/?universe=accuracy and only accuracy, don't give a fuck about speed, do 60 WPM lower than your normal, but do it without mistakes, over and over again, in time you will notice that you will type faster and faster and keeping the accuracy to 99.99999%.
Alternate this type of training: Banging your fingers on EasyTexts and 10 fast fingers to build raw speed then accuracy until you can control it better.
++++ After you do Maniac typing, to build raw speed in your fingers and not only this, TAKE 1-2 WEEKS break from time to time, stop training, let your body to recover, when you come back to training it might happen to be worse than before a bit, but it's an illusion, in few days you do it better than before.
That's what we humans are, animals, and like all animals we got this incredible power to adapt, typing is nothing else than a skill, doing it regularily and having a good training program makes you better as the time passes, you can't hurry it too much, time is the answer, you just keep on doing it.
All those words and what you see here comes from a guy that is very bad at typing naturally, i don't got "talent", i evolve very very slowly compared with the volume of training i do. I know this because i know and i talk with lots of Very fast Typists and i know how people train, i see kids starting from 20 WPM and they evolve twice as fast as i did and they don't even train as much.... but almost everyone that trained like me improved faster, except me :-)) i'm a special LOL.
So all those words represent my conclusion to how to become better at "Typing", after seeing and speaking with lots of people, seeing their training, what they do, how they do it... and my own experience.
Goodluck Everyone, i'm glad i remembered about the forum :-),
Luca George
Last edited by lucageorge (06-Sep-2013 13:32:45)