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    Austerity and touch typing

    • Started by pinkyache
    • 3 Replies:
    • Reputation: 7
    • Registered: 21-Apr-2010
    • Posts: 818

    We're holding the purse strings in the UK.  Luckily we've had a very mild winter so far, we had a late spring/tough winter last year.  We may be in for another long hard winter (by UK standards).

    Suddenly the temperature has dipped, and I'm finding it hard to type.

    We can't really afford much in the way of central heating, and I don't mind dressing up in the house, but the hands really  feel it.  I've got the fingerless gloves on, but they are a little restrictive.  I'm wondering if it's possible to get my speed back up!

    Does anyone else struggle to type when their hands are cold, or wear gloves?  Any tips?

    Last edited by pinkyache (15-Nov-2013 13:32:21)

    Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.

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    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    What the Dickens? You poor Brit, living in a country with a housing standard that doesn't stand up to the weather.

    I can fully imagine that you'd be having a hard time typing in a cold room, with your aches on top. Might it be possible to get a tabletop "radiator" of sorts? Like a mini version of those things that allow people to smoke outdoors? A strong old-fashioned light bulb might actually do quite a job there, but those aren't easy to come by in Norway anymore as they're being phased out. But there are heat lamps for hatching and whatnot. Household electric heaters are usually too large I guess, but the smallest variants might work.

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    One of my weird habits was to warm my hand with the laptop fan exhaust every once in a while - it solves two birds with one stone, putting the excess heat of your computer to good use.  I'm not sure how dangerous this actually is, however.

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    • Reputation: 7
    • Registered: 21-Apr-2010
    • Posts: 818

    > But there are heat lamps for hatching and whatnot.

    We have some contraband light bulbs, but not enough change for the meter.

    Crappy British housing yes.  Our great nation (sarcastic) falls to pieces when it snows (you may scoff in Norway).  I recently read that we were one of the only nations to use hot water bottles (probably because of the ancient and poorly designed housing stock).  Sadly though, these don't help much for the fingers.

    I'll have to set up office under the stairs, the computer provides enough heat to warm the enclosed space.

    Last edited by pinkyache (17-Nov-2013 15:14:59)

    Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.

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