As we know, colemak's design has been weighted so that it is the best keyboard that also preseves some keys from qwerty, and so that the shortcuts are the same.
Now first, let me say I use the qwerty shortcuts, and I like the ability to keep them. But I have a strong curiosity.
I'd like to know what shai's keyboard design would look like without these weights, as a general usage keyboard taught to schoolchildren. If anyone has a hard time with me asking this question without being able to imagine such a keyboard layout being useful, then simply humor me and assume a premise in which that keyboard layout were useful (however ludicrous it is: assume all users were schoolchildren learning to type with an optimus keyboard which could draw "ctrl-copy" on whatever key you want).
I'd like to see shai's design for this keyboard, and statistics of it. (I propose it would be worthwhile to design this, because then we could compare the statistical deviation and finally use it as proof that colemak is fine for general usage compared to shai's most idealistic alternative)