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    The 'dg' combo.

    • Started by Twoddle
    • 5 Replies:
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    • Registered: 04-Jul-2013
    • Posts: 38

    Talking about words like 'bridge' and 'judge'. I've started experimenting typing the 'dg' in one roll with the first two fingers of the left hand instead of two separate presses with the index finger.


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    Do whatever feels best for you. I'd say though that dg combo's aren't that common, and I'm not sure wheter it would be worth the effort to train yourself to do it.

    Last edited by koekjestrommel1 (13-Dec-2013 22:58:01)
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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    It's certainly the preferable alternative fingering for that bigram. I'm not sure whether I use it sometimes, often or rarely. It's not a very common bigram as koekjestrommel1 points out. Alternative fingering for the 'nk' bigram is certainly worth the effort in my experience!

    Last edited by DreymaR (16-Dec-2013 13:41:05)

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    I'm trying to get accustomed to the dg alternative fingering as well. It's not the most common but happens just often enough that I think it's worth the switch.

    I'm a very firm believer in alternate fingerings for the  nk,kn,and lk digrams. Those happen a lot and the comfort/speed difference is very noticeable for me.

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    I'm going to try and incorporate that nk and lk (and the dg while I'm at it), middle-index bigram into my typing as opposed to index-index

    are there any other common ones that i should add to the training list?

    maybe theres a post somewhere with common bigrams with their own specific finger usage?

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    I don't believe there is a post about common bigrams and there correlated finger usage, but maybe you should make one!

    As far as other bigrams, I am sometimes using the middle-index for ue,eu.  I type "true", and "queue" a lot strangely so I find myself trying to make those feel better.  The problem is it feels very cramped for me so I'm not sure it's worth it.

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