Wondering if there's a program that designs exercises based on problem keys (mistyped / slowly typed).
I've been using Type Fu and I love it, but it doesn't have the aforementioned functionality.
Wondering if there's a program that designs exercises based on problem keys (mistyped / slowly typed).
I've been using Type Fu and I love it, but it doesn't have the aforementioned functionality.
I'd also be interested in general tips, exercises, etc on improving speed/accuracy. I seem to have hit a wall around 110-120wpm.
Amphetype and Typing Tutor 7 has that kind of exercises. I don't try others, so please feel free to try Typing Master, Rapid Typing, Mac Beacons typing to see whether that suits you too.
You can try Typeracer Death Mode as well
My fastest typing records http://hi-games.net/profile/4314
My switching experience https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=970
I had the chance to try out Amphetype this afternoon, and it's pretty close to what I'm looking for (can create lessons to target problem words/letters). The problem is, practically all the proper nouns would be considered problem words; lessons for letters require spaces between each letter, rather than typing words containing those letters; and doing those targeted lessons increases the "missed" count for those words, so they'll always show up as problems. Perhaps I just haven't figured out how to use it properly yet...
Tried Rapid Typing; didn't like it. Typing Master sounds better than Typing Tutor 7; I'll check it out.
I'm not sure Typeracer's Sudden Death mode actually helps you improve.
Typeracer Death Mode is quite unforgiving, it forces me to think before typing each letter and helps me increase my accuracy from 97% to 99%.
Typing tutor 7 has lessons on a specific key you want.
I think you focus on your accuracy first, the speed will increase on its own accord.
My fastest typing records http://hi-games.net/profile/4314
My switching experience https://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=970
You'll want to make a list of words for Amphetype, not letters. You can have it create a problem word list based on your typing so far but as you say it'll contain a lot of "special" words like Alice, Tweedledum, Tweedledee, Queen... ;) You can clean up that list and submit it as a lesson to get exactly what you want/need. Amphetype is very flexible once you get used to it!
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