I found a nice Colemak variant @ patorjk.com (you know, the site that let's you easily calculate different keyboard layouts. And yes, one can debate about the used weiging factors, algorithms etc.) The variant I found is called Acemak 1. It is as follows:
It is by a German guy (look the name up at patorjk 's site). I tested it with my typical use: 2/3 Dutch language, 1/3 English. And it scored clearly better than stock Colemak. This might be a good variant for germanic languages in general.
Dutch freqs are like this:
e 18,91
n 10,03
a 7,49
t 6,79
i 6,5
r 6,41
o 6,06
d 5,93
s 3,73
l 3,57
g 3,4
v 2,85
h 2,38
k 2,25
m 2,21
u 1,99
b 1,58
p 1,57
w 1,52
j 1,46
z 1,39
c 1,24
f 0,81
x 0,04
y 0,04
q 0,01
en 4,7
de 3,34
er 2,72
an 2,57
ge 2,13
nd 2,12
te 1,91
in 1,66
ee 1,65
el 1,37
van 1
gen 0,99
den 0,84
een 0,74
ent 0,72
nge 0,7
ver 0,7
and 0,67
end 0,63
ten 0,61
I can see why it scores well. The d is typed with the middle finger. That place on the top row has near home row quality, it is too good for the f. Also, the l is in a better place. The digram el is quite common and is easier to type like this. The g is in a better place as well. And still, it manages to be good enough for English (I think). of course, there are no free lunches, so it _will_ have draw backs.....
I will try it out the coming weeks.