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    rdesktop-colemak (for Unix/Linux/…)

    • Started by julianyon
    • 5 Replies:
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    • Registered: 11-Sep-2013
    • Posts: 3

    I've been a Colemak user for several years. Unfortunately rdesktop (a *nix client for Windows' remote desktop) doesn't have a keymap for Colemak. This means that, when using the same machine both locally and remotely, one has to keep switching layouts on the server. This is extremely annoying. I finally decided to scratch that itch, and you can find the result at https://github.com/julianyon/rdesktop-colemak. This is intended to be a comprehensive keymap covering the full range of characters that can be typed using Colemak.

    If you have git installed on your *nix system, you can fetch the files with:

    git clone https://github.com/julianyon/rdesktop-colemak.git

    Alternatively, there should be a link on the github page to download as a zip file (currently the link is on the right hand side). The keymap is for use on the client side. There is no need to install anything extra on the server.

    Please see the project's README file for installation instructions and caveats. I've tested it pretty thoroughly on my own system but if I've missed any glaring deficiencies feel free to let me know, preferably via the issue tracker at github.

    Julian (@julianyon)

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    I don't really want to get into philosophical discussions about necessity. I put a lot of work into this because it helps me, and have decided to share my work. If you don't need it, don't use it.

    However, if you are using Colemak layout on the server (which, I note, you are not), it does become necessary. Because of physical disability (which is the reason I stopped using QWERTY) I have to be able to work in a lot of different configurations. This includes switching from working in a Windows VM on the console to continuing the same session remotely from my bed or sofa, and probably back again later. Cognitive dysfunction means I have difficulty working out why my keyboard is generating the wrong characters, and this wastes both time and energy (see The Spoon Theory for why this is a big deal). tl;dr: For people with chronic illness, energy is severely limited and can't be spent twice.

    Aside from which, the QWERTY mapping covers only a subset of the characters that can be typed easily with Colemak. Not an issue if you only ever use US-ASCII, but it becomes more of one if, e.g., you have an interest in linguistics.

    So having said all that, I'd appreciate at least some constructive feedback as I bet there's a stupid bug somewhere in the keymap that I've managed to miss, because I know I'm not the only person with these problems and therefore somebody else might benefit.


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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    It's nice that you've done this work! :)

    So you're running Colemak on the Windows server? When I use Windows virtual machines I install PKL on them so it's easy to get in and out of Colemak as needed. This also gives me all the glyphs I need. But that may not be an option for your servers?

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • Registered: 11-Sep-2013
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    My use case is probably unusual, which is why I hesitate to say a dedicated keymap is “necessary” per se. I'm pretty MS-phobic, so aside from my access issues I want to be as unaware as possible that I'm using Windows. For that purpose, things like client-side compose make the whole thing a much more pleasant experience…

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    • Registered: 10-Dec-2013
    • Posts: 1

    Great work, this is exactly what I was looking for! Have you considered submitting this to the rdesktop developers?

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    • Registered: 13-Jan-2014
    • Posts: 1

    The lessons are based on the colemak.typ file available on this site, but have been expanded to include frequent words, shift key, punctuation, and alphabetic sentences lessons.

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