Greetings, fellow Colemakers!
This will be my last writing on a QWERTY layout. From today, I'm 100% committed to learn Colemak and stick with it.
I don't touch type, and my current QWERTY speed is about 30 WPM, so nothing to be sorry to lose. I wanted to learn touch typing, and I wanted to improve my speed, so I told myself, what the heck, might as well start touch typing with a modern (and meaningful!) layout.
After weeks reading forums and stories of user experience, especially on this one, I came up with the following plan, which I hope will minimize the pain and maximize the results:
- Waited to be on holiday from work, so I can concentrate on learning Colemak without the stress of being less productive. From today, I will dedicate about 1 hour per day to Colemak, and I won't touch the computer for anything else. No moving between Colemak and QWERTY.
- Bought a blank keyboard to avoid any temptation to hunt and peck
- Printed the Colemak layout, to keep beside the screen for reference
- I will go for an hard complete transition. While I love the fantastic work done by our very own Dreymar on the Tarmak, I only have 2 weeks and I want to be sure I'll use them fully. Plus I feel I don't need a smoother transition, since I won't need to type QWERTY in the meantime.
- Will use the following 2 tutorials: … EN_colemak
which are the only 2 online tutors I could find that support Colemak.
Well, what do you think? Feedbacks and suggestions are more than welcome!
In the meantime, wish me good luck!