In the process of solving a math problem, Adereth programmed up some pretty visualizations: … -keyboard/
Of course, my first realization (after "very cool!") was "these are the same cycles that came up with Tarmak!" Which is a little mind-boggling at first, but:
"Starting with s, then typing its QWERTY position on a Colemak keyboard yields r" is the same in reverse as:
"Colemak moves r to the QWERTY s position"
Indeed, the graphs are slightly bugged, in that they are directed the wrong way for the former, but, fortunately for us, the correct way for the latter.
I'm not sure if any of us has access to Mathematica, but if so, the tricks here can be used to visualize the cycles of general layouts.
Concerning Tarmak: my /r/theydidthemath comment.