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    My Colemak Wide (UK) and AutoHotkey layers

    • Started by stevep99
    • 9 Replies:
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    • From: UK
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    As I mentioned in another post, I recently began using the Colemak Wide Layout. I did this by making a new layout in Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator, since as far as I am aware nobody had yet done that for a UK keyboard. Since beginning my Colemak journey I have also started to build up various AutoHotkey configs (actually for many years before that too, but especially so in recent months).

    So I decided put all this stuff in GitHub. In case anyone's interested, here's are all my current keyboard configs and tweaks in GitHub...

    This includes:

    Colemak wide UK:  (There is also a Qwerty version just for fun)
    KLC Colemak Wide

    AHK extra layers:
    The caps lock extend layer is based on DreymaR's, no doubt not as comprehensive as his, but maybe someone would find it useful to have an AHK implementation. I also use AHK to define an AltGr layer for brackets, symbols, etc:
    Caps Layer
    AltGr Layer

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    go the whole hog and move the left half of the bottom row one key to the left

    its the way forward

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Indeed; the Angle shift is nearly considered a "standard" option for ISO Colemak.

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    bph said:

    go the whole hog and move the left half of the bottom row one key to the left

    its the way forward

    I have thought about it, but am holding out!

    I am using the angle mod finger technique already, just with the "wrong" keys, i.e. C with index finger, X with middle, etc. I am used to this for many years, from before I even realized I was doing it.  I also kind of like the fact the the most common letter on the bottom row is hit with my strongest finger.  Presumably there may be a small penalty for this, but I can't imagine it's very significant... the bigrams don't look common at first glance TC,DC,PC,GC,VC  vs  SC,FC ?

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    haha i hold out for a bit and then cave in

    i held off any of the wide angle mods for a bit but then went for them  all at once - would recommend them

    latest is i've caved in on dreymars split no. row, i.e. the += in the middle

    predominantly because i copied his xkb dir in to mine wholesale after another botched upgrade

    i haven't the will to change it, but having used it for a few days i think its prob better anyway

    i think dreymar seems to get these decisions right but i'm just several months behind them

    using his xkb takes all the pressure off remembering anything about xkb when upgrading

    so in future whatever he says goes for my own sanity using colemak on ubuntu

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    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I tend to get several decisions wrong. Then I try them out, sometimes for a year before caving in and doing the right thing. So while I may be ahead of some, it's just because I made the mistakes earlier! :) The =+ in the middle was a tough decision but after using the right-hand number row with extra stagger for a while I decided that it was too disruptive that way.

    Steve: As you can see, I moved the slash key to the hash key position (which is really the old LBr position). On an ISO board that's a better position and furthermore, it's a better remap for that key since you're used to hitting it by moving the pinky down and now you can just move the pinky up instead. The slash should be much more in use than hash, so I think it's a right decision (after trying many many possibilities). That position, in fact, has been in so much flux that it's become my nomenclature for Wide mods: The ISO mod I use is called 'AngleWide-Slash' precisely because it has the Slash key in that position. ;)

    Last edited by DreymaR (03-Sep-2014 15:18:51)

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    DreymaR said:

    I tend to get several decisions wrong. Then I try them out, sometimes for a year before caving in and doing the right thing. So while I may be ahead of some, it's just because I made the mistakes earlier! :) The =+ in the middle was a tough decision but after using the right-hand number row with extra stagger for a while I decided that it was too disruptive that way.

    Regarding the += in the middle, I also deliberated about that for a while but decided to go with moving it. I tend to type numbers by looking rather than touch anyway, as they are too far from the home row. But I decided they still ought to be in the same relative positions from the home position. Ultimately a better solution would be virtual NumPad, maybe even with top row as function keys only.

    DreymaR: I have a query about your Caps extend layer wide version. Do you think it's better map "F12" to "+=" or keep the natural sequence of function keys but have them not match the numbers?

    I would really like to resolve the wide angle issue by getting a decent keyboard without the wrong way slant on the left hand side. Either a matrix-like separated into halves, or symmetrically angled would be fine.  I haven't seen such a keyboard that is readily available. The Kinesis Freestyle would be a good candidate if only the keys were in columns. The Truly Ergonomic would also be good if it didn't have so many keys moved to weird places, plus it's a bit on the expensive side. Hmph!

    Last edited by stevep99 (03-Sep-2014 16:55:07)

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    I've mostly seen matrix keyboards which I don't trust unless they have separate halves with an angle like you said. The ones I've seen with the right slant to them have been crappy ones. But I'm no expert. The main boon to doing it my way is that you can make every keyboard a fairly ergonomic one: Laptop, cheapo work boards, the lot. If you do want proper hardware, I think Davkol knows his stuff.

    I didn't want to shift the F6–F12 keys back for a couple of reasons:
    • Firstly, I feel it's more consistent to move the whole key and not just some layers of it.
    • Secondly, the 3–4 F keys from F7 up will show the wrong numbers (I usually physically move key caps for the Wide mods).
    • Thirdly, I don't seem to use the F12 key much; I don't really know what it's for to be honest. ;)

    Last edited by DreymaR (01-Oct-2014 10:10:38)

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    davkol said:

    See my signature. ErgoDox is available from FalbaTech including assembly; I believe it's possible to build it for about €120. You can also adjust a point-of-sale keypad to something like Humble Hacker Keyboard (perhaps under €50).

    It's kind of weird that nothing like these good designs seem to make it to mainstream distributors/retailers.
    Either of those keyboards would suit me I think - especially the ErgoDox which looks great; I had previously been under the impression it was a enthusiast DIY project only.

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    DreymaR said:

    Thirdly, I don't seem to use the F12 key much; I don't really know what it's for to be honest. ;)

    I suppose you don't use the F13 key either?  ;-) ;-)

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