@Máté: Thanks for your thoughts. Unfortunatly I'm using Dvorak atm, so I might consider those later.
DreymaR said:Me, I'd entrust the index finger with the P.
Well, I use different fingers according to the combination. As I use Dvorak, I'll "translate" this to Colemak:
When typing TP/PT or DP/PD, i hit the P with my middle finger, while SP/PS and most other combinations are more comfortable using the index finger for P. On Dvorak this is a little less nitpicking, since pi pu up ip ep pe are way more common combinations.
DreymaR said:The rest is only what I've said about a hundred times now: Get a US International or other international keyboard, and you can use the fingering you're suggesting except you'll be using it on the keys you learnt before by moving ZXCVB one key to the left. On your figure it's quite obvious that your B is on dry land so put something rarer than the B there.
Living in Europe I always used a keyboard with a 102 key. It used to bother me, and I was longing for an American keyboard. Recently I made some good use of that key though, putting stuff like ! or ? there.
Anyway, your idea seems great to me, I might move it to the left then, and place something else than a letter on the Colemak "B" position.