Reading the comments from the CapsOff pages, I found it interesting to read what Shai had to say about the ASSET (and his own ASETION) layouts in relation to Colemak, back when everything was freshly forged!
Too bad he never published his own layout analyzer, but at least it's described there.
I'm puzzled about ASSET. It's mentioned on Wikipedia ( ) but I haven't heard of anyone actually using it anymore? It doesn't score well in tests either. Even its creator, David Piepgrass, said that he thought Colemak was a better layout if I remember correctly, and he kept changing ASSET to be more like Colemak in the period from 2004 to 2006. Also, look at where he places J for instance... *tsk tsk* In fact, the only layout I know of with such a horrible horrible J placement is ... Tarmak1 :-D
Probably just Wikipedia cruft, I guess. Few people actually delete old stuff from there I guess. Not the place to go for a comparison of what works, but rather for fairly comprehensive lists of what people have cared about at some point.
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