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    Hungarian colemak layout

    • Started by mr.schyte
    • 5 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 06-Mar-2012
    • Posts: 3

    Hello Everyone!

    I've modified the colemak layout for typing Hungarian. It's better in my opinion than the prolemak layout, because almost all accented characters are in their original position (as in the Hungarian layout), so switching from colemak to Hungarian Colemak takes very little time if you can type using a normal Hungarian keyboard.


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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,379

    The Hungarian xkb file is the most elegant one I've seen so far!

    To stay in style with this elegance, you should really have a look at what the 'basic' (101_qwertz_comma_dead) component does and emulate its goodness:

    // 102_qwertz_comma_dead
    // 102 key layout
    // with decimal comma on keypad
    // and with dead key support
    xkb_symbols "102_qwertz_comma_dead" {
        name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/qwertz/comma/dead keys)";
        include "latin"
        include "hu(def_102)"
    //    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
        include "kpdl(comma)"
        include "hu(def_dead)"
    //    include "hu(def_common)"
        include "level3(ralt_switch)"

    I suppose you want the def_102 variant since you specified a <LSGT> key in your layout. I commented out the lines you won't be needing.
    You'll want to copy that into your layout instead of just 'include "hu"'; then instead of the 'def_common' line add your own which you could call 'def_colemak'.

    That way you'll only redefine the letters which is what your Colemak variant is all about anyway! Nice, huh? :) Also, your entry will be more compact and understandable, and it'll be easier to modify for people who want, say, the decimal dot instead of the decimal comma.

    I trust you know how to make the system see this layout, then? ;)

    I'm doing pretty much the same thing with my 'Colemak[eD]' files for Linux. One Colemak variant keeps the locale symbol keys like yours.

    Last edited by DreymaR (07-Mar-2012 08:56:35)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • Posts: 3

    Thanks for the tips, I'll look into it as soon as I can.

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    • Registered: 06-Mar-2012
    • Posts: 3

    I've moved the colemak keys to a hidden layer as you have advised. Could you take a look at the updated paste please?

    Btw, I like your layout, it is thought out very well. I like having all the greek characters under my fingertips ;)

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,379

    Yeah, that's what I meant. :)

    If it were me, I'd also make the CapsLock a separate thing. That's the Linux way. As a matter of fact, there's already an option in the keyboard settings to "Make CapsLock an additional Backspace" and that's what Linux users ought to do. Modularity, "keep it simple", freedom of choice, the works.

    Sorry, but I'm leaving the Greek behind after all. It's not intuitive enough, and really half-baked. I'll use a proper Greek group and some kind of Group Switch key(s) instead. A dead_greek key might be nice, too.

    Last edited by DreymaR (10-Mar-2012 14:56:51)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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    • From: Hungary
    • Registered: 20-May-2015
    • Posts: 4

    Thanks, mr.schyte for the Hungarian layout.
    Some quick questions, before reading the whole forum :-) Of course either a short answer or a link to a topic where it is discussed is enough.

    • Is this the layout you use today or you use a changed version?

    • I like the wide mod, is there a wide version of this layout already?

    • if not: is it advised against for some reason?

    • Is it the Hungarian 'Keep Local Symbols' Colemak[eD] layout seen in LOCALE COLEMAK[eD] VARIANTS from DreymaR?

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