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Don't use the mouse

  • Started by vaskozl
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vaskozl said:

Pretty neat thing you've done with ranger there :D. Even though it still asks for a path with ;s for me (and then opens with ranger). Since writing the post I have also discovered the amazing urxvt-perls which allow you to enter screen like (but better) browsing of the console log trough which you can easily find and yank text into your buffer. Moreover it provides for a quick way to open links with the keyobard, which would otherwise have to be done with the mouse.

Even with "cd ~/Downloads" in my .pentadactylrc, ;s saves to ~/ by default for me, but you can just provide a name, and it will work (original location doesn't really matter if you're just going to move it).

One problem I've had is saving something with spaces or special characters in the name. You have to put "<file>" instead of <file> to get pentadactyl to send the file location as an argument correctly. --selectfile will work with spaces and such as long as there are " " around the location, but this wouldn't work for me in the script. I tried that, escaping everything, and renaming the file to remove special characters and convert spaces to underscore. All three work fine when when I copy the variable used for --selectfile= to the clipboard and then test it in the terminal, but none of them actually work in the script, so I have to fix that. I've also just started having a glitch where the autocommand is executed for every open firefox window (3 windows = 3 ranger instances) which I'm 90% sure wasn't happening before.

I've recently switched from urxvt to termite. It has a lot of the features of perl scripts built in by default (url hinting, scrollback/copy mode, etc.). Sadly, you can't yet change keybinds with the config file, but I've rebound prefix-f to do url hinting with tmux and bound it to f in zsh and weechat (using vimode.py.. vim-mode would be the irssi equivalent I believe) using xdotool to send the url hint key combo. The scrollback copy modes for termite, urxvt, dvtm, etc. are all pretty decent, but I've found tmux's to be the best in terms of functionality and rebinding, though termite's mode handles columnar stuff better imho.

Last edited by angelic_sedition (22-Mar-2014 18:07:40)
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  • From: Malmö, Sweden
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Haha, you seem really dedicated to getting a ranger pop up to chose the location of the downloaded file.

Termite seems quite cool I might try it, even though I completly satisfied with rxvt and am not really ready to deal with the hard process of getting everything to work with a new terminal emulator. (like image preview in ranger). Also I don't like doing stupidly hacky things like xdotool. I used to use screen's or tmux's copy paste before this, but having them run in absolutely every terminal was kinda annoying (not to mention that it would break some things, like again ranger image preview).

Posted without the aid of a rodent.

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vaskozl said:

Haha, you seem really dedicated to getting a ranger pop up to chose the location of the downloaded file.

Termite seems quite cool I might try it, even though I completly satisfied with rxvt and am not really ready to deal with the hard process of getting everything to work with a new terminal emulator. (like image preview in ranger). Also I don't like doing stupidly hacky things like xdotool. I used to use screen's or tmux's copy paste before this, but having them run in absolutely every terminal was kinda annoying (not to mention that it would break some things, like again ranger image preview).

I only really spent a few minutes on the idea but enjoyed it. Making things more keyboard friendly has become a hobby. I've fixed it now for spaces and apostrophies. Other symbols should be pretty easy to fix it for.. turns out I needed "" "" around it instead of " " (which I thought I tried but apparently not).

Just add this and change "$1" to ""$escaped"" in the ranger part:

no_ap=$(echo "$1" | sed "s/'//g")
mv "$1" "$no_ap"
escaped=$(printf '%q' "$no_ap")

As for the autocommand executing for all windows, I havn half fixed that.

Yeah, not really any point in switching if you're happy with what you're working with. Image preview works fine in termite (if you're using the most recent version of ranger; hutt accepted the patch to make it work with more than xterm and urxvt; I don't know if there were problems before with screen, but it also works with tmux now). In fact, for me urxvt image preview has always been glitchy (it's the only terminal I've tried where there are so many problems with it), so termite actually works better for me. I might try urxvt scrollback again though; are the key binds customizable?

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Does anyone have an example vim-like ratpoison config they can share? I've been looking to set one up, but haven't really been able to grok it from the examples on the internet.

(Configs for other DEs also welcome.)

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  • From: Malmö, Sweden
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You can have a look at my dotfiles: https://github.com/Vaskozl/dotfiles/tre … /ratpoison
My .ratpoisonrc sources ratpoison/ratpoison.conf , it's kinda big but feel free to ask any questions. Also I hang around #ratpoison and #colemak on freenode so you can ask there.

Posted without the aid of a rodent.

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I'd just like to add, that the other day I went to install Debian Wheezy with Xfce on an old system of mine.  I couldn't adjust some settings in Xfce without the mouse, notably changing the keyboard layout (I couldn't activate dropdown toggles with the keyboard), or even get keyboard focus on the task bar/panel and applets (keyboard layout and network manager).  Or rather, I had to find a mouse, to change my layout and get connected to the internet.  How annoying!  It did make me reconsider my window manager, that's for sure.

Last edited by pinkyache (30-Dec-2014 15:22:43)

Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.

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Thanks, I'll be checking it out!

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  • From: Malmö, Sweden
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Main post updated with more (newer) useful programs and relevant links for inspiration.

Posted without the aid of a rodent.

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Thanks for this.  There are a couple of alternatives for me to try in your list.

Physicians deafen our ears with the Honorificabilitudinitatibus of their heavenly Panacaea, their sovereign Guiacum.

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  • From: Banned
  • Registered: 02-May-2015
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davkol said:

Yeah, don't use the mouse. Use a trackball instead. And while we're at it, there're more wonderful pointing devices, such as rollermouse, nipplemouse etc.

He didn't said about trackball!

Banned from Colemak

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I'm not sure if anyone suggested, but "shortcat" is amazing

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