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    Switching to Colemak from Dvorak!

    • Started by РусскийЧеловек
    • 8 Replies:
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    • Registered: 28-Jan-2016
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    Hello! I want to switch to Colemak from Dvorak. I use Dvorak on a smartphone and type around 60 WPM with it, I was wondering if Colemak is a smart switch... I hope to be able to switch with ease and to learn a new layout ^_^

    (Sorry for my english, as I am a Russian living in the US)

    I find Qwerty to tiering on mobile

    I find dvorak makes me use my left hand more

    I have read that colemak fixes these issues..

    Also, Should I switch to Colemak on my PC? (My keyboard/keys are set to Qwerty)

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    Probably not, unfortunately.

    Colemak is designed to make typing more comfortable when using the touch-typing technique, where all 10 fingers are used. If you're going to just use your 2 thumbs to type, it will probably be too much effort to learn for very little gain.

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    I'd have thought Dvorak would do well on a touch keyboard if you used both thumbs.  Because of the alternation that happens as a result of vowel use on the left.

    Dvorak uses less left hand than Qwerty.

    Perhaps you could try a one handed layout.  Or something like MessageEase.

    Do you touch type Dvorak on your PC keyboard?

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    pinkyache said:

    I'd have thought Dvorak would do well on a touch keyboard if you used both thumbs.  Because of the alternation that happens as a result of vowel use on the left.

    Dvorak uses less left hand than Qwerty.

    Perhaps you could try a one handed layout.  Or something like MessageEase.

    Do you touch type Dvorak on your PC keyboard?

    I do touch type dvorak on pc

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    On a phone, I recommend MessagEase. I use it with a "Colemakoid" layout that makes it easy to remember where everything is.

    On a keyboard, yes it's nice and fun to switch from Dvorak to Colemak. I did it, and went further to mod Colemak (see my sig topics).

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    Are you typing primarily English or Russian using Dvorak? I'm not familiar with how cyrillic is typed on a latin keyboard, so pardon my ignorance if it's a dumb question. Anyway, for English, about 55% of letters typed are on the right hand of the Dvorak keyboard (probably more if you are skipping some punctuation when typing on a phone, and more still if you abbreviate some words by dropping vowels). Colemak is slightly more balanced, but still has majority of letters typed with the right hand, unless I am mistaken. But since you say your left hand is getting tired, I'm curious as to whether Colemak or any other "normal" layout could solve this problem. Still, it's probably worth a try if you (like me) like to fool around with different layouts. :-)

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Indeed. If you type mostly English and a little Russian, Colemak plus Rulemak for Cyrillic would make perfect sense as you'd essentially have one layout for both languages. If you type a lot of Russian, maybe another layout is better for Russian since Colemak isn't optimized for it.

    Whether Colemak/Rulemak would give a better hand balance for Russian, is unknown to me.

    Last edited by DreymaR (01-Feb-2016 14:04:35)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    Trying out MessagEase. Thanks @DreymaR. I always just used qwerty on my phone.. I rarely mixed it up with colemak on my physical keyboards, but am always open for improvement.

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Hope you too have fun with it! It can be a bit annoying at first, but it's hella fast when you get used to it.

    Did you try my Colemakoid MessagEase layout?

    Last edited by DreymaR (25-Feb-2016 16:58:32)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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