Let me present a method of typing that converts a compact Qwerty keyboard into an ergonomic keyboard. This is accomplished by modifying hand position and finger usage.
The home row consists of the keys A E R F J I O ; (thus the name Aerf Jio). The right hand fingers have different home positions while maintaining the same duties as for standard touch typing. The big change is with the left hand, which is angled to substantially reduce wrist strain. See the diagram below:
q w /(e)/(r)/ t \ y u \(i)\(o)\ p
(a)/ s / d /(f) g \ h (j)\ k \ l \(;)
shift / z / x / c v b \ n m \ , \ . \ /
/ and \ show the separations between fingers
() shows the home finger locations
Angling the left hand makes typing much more comfortable at the expense of a more finger travel in a comfortable direction. The home row finger positions are more comfortable than the standard home row. In addition, these fingers are over more commonly used keys, further reducing finger motion.
I have been using this typing method for a year and a half and it feels fantastic compared to the standard method of typing Qwerty. It works especially well on laptops and compact keyboards.