So I've been keeping a list of errors I make, or words that I'm slow at.
I'm noticing these spacing errors when I'm at 110wpm+
"th e"
"an d"
"fo ryou"
"doin gthe"
"goin g"
"o f"
Do you see a pattern?
In ALL of those cases, I type the space AFTER a right hand letter and before a left hand letter. (qwerty)
I also only use right thumb for Space.
Something is happening here. I don't really know what. My guess is that my right hand just continues to roll inwards to the thumb, pressing it a key too early. I'm not yet sure about the solution. Should I use left thumb, and if so when?
I think what is happening is that all of those grams are common word endings:
So I'm trained to quickly space after those
Last edited by misterW (08-Feb-2017 07:54:20)