Okay, just ask and we'll get through this, nessun' problemo! :-)
I couldn't see your link (it's better to use img tags in square brackets for this forum!) but my "Unified Symbols" solution for Italian Colemak[eD] is this:
DreymaR said:• For the Italian layout, several different accented letters are needed but capitalized letters weren't in the default layout.
• Thus, the letters were provided directly as in the default layout. The éè key was kept on LBr and the rest put together.
• The letters çłñ may be used (for Ligurian and Venetian script for instance) but they're rare so they're on lv3-4 mappings.
• As an alternative to this direct approach, I'd recommend the Spanish/LatAm layout! It does the same using dead keys.

Italian 'Unified Symbols' Colemak[eD]
Also, note this (nominally for Spanish but an alternative for Italian too I think – maybe change Ññ for èé!?) if you like the idea of accent dead keys:

Spanish (Spain and Latin America) 'Unified Symbols' Colemak[eD]
What this means, is that the bracket keys are converted to special letter/accent keys, like what is often the case with the standard locale layouts. It's easy enough to get brackets with AltGr if you don't use them often. If you do for programming or suchlike, you can have two layouts with only the brackets different, and switch between them as necessary! The last key I change is the VK_102 key, which is often not used for anything important; if you like, you can leave it as you're used to instead but I think it's nice for this purpose.
Other than that, the base layers are unaffected. Keep in mind that for effective typing of text you want all letters to be readily accessible. Brackets and many other symbols aren't necessary for typing flow in general, unless your text really has a lot of them. But for Italian, you really want a nice accessible è at the very least, and likely also éàìòù. I find that using AltGr for letters in your language gets too clumsy in general! Some are easy to hit (like ç), but more are a little too much of an interruption – especially in capital form! (Well, capital accented letters isn't much of a problem for Italian at least, but still.)
My preferred solution for Windows, is the PortableKeyboardLayout (PKL) program by Farkas Máté. That's what my Big Bag (Windows) topic is describing. For this program, I did actually make both the Spanish and Italian layouts but not with dedicated help images. Also, you have to edit some commented lines in the layout.ini file of the "Colemak-eD-lat_ISO" (or the CurlAngleWide variant if you want that) to activate italian! Example:
;SC01a = OEM_6 4 [ { *{Esc} å Å ; QWERTY [{ ; Cmk-eD_ISO
SC01a = OEM_6 4 dk6 dk13 *{Esc} [ { ; QWERTY [{ ; Cmk-eD-BeCaFr
;SC01a = OEM_6 4 dk15 dk16 *{Esc} [ { ; QWERTY [{ ; Cmk-eD-BrPt
;SC01a = OEM_6 4 dk15 dk13 *{Esc} [ { ; QWERTY [{ ; Cmk-eD-EsLat
;SC01a = OEM_6 4 è é *{Esc} [ { ; QWERTY [{ ; Cmk-eD-It
Here, you would have to move the semicolon away from the "Cmk-eD-It" line and to the "Cmk-eD-BeCaFr" line to get the Italian variant!
PKL is portable software, so you can just run it and it'll work. I put it in my PortableApps folder on my computers, but you can also have it on a USB drive so it's always with you on the move. I have a shortcut in the Startup folder so it starts when Windows starts.
Last edited by DreymaR (04-Apr-2017 10:46:07)