I have switched over to colemak after discovering that I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand. (I wondered for quite a while why my fingers were so sore before going to the doctor!) I am a programmer, so basically did all typing with my left hand only, while my right stayed on the mouse. After much searching and reading on the internet I decided that Colemak ws definitely the way to go. Especially as it keeps those handy Ctrl C/V/X/Z! (Unlike Dvorak)
(Note that I also changed my chair to a more ergonomic one (ouch that hurt the wallet) that supports my back to help improve my posture and am considering investing in a split keyboard and track ball mouse in the future. I am only 30 years old, so really want to get on top of this carpal tunnel thing before it gets worse and invloves surgery.)
I was previously a hunt and peck typer all my computer life (about 15 years), using QWERTY, I averaged around 40 WPM (tested on both RyanHeise.com typing test and Freeform typing speed test)
I tried to switch over cold turkey lasy week to Colemak, except that with work I found that I was just too slow and had to now and then switch back to type emails, code etc.
So after a week, I am using colemak about 60% of the time as I haven't yet had time to learn all the keys! I am about 3/4 of the way there though. I am using Typefaster program to learn. I find that I have to drag the program down the screen so I can't see the bright red key guide as this really puts me off and I cheat too much from it.
I haven't changed my keyboard, so that makes it easy to go back to QWERTY peck and hunting when I need to.Also I can't cheat by looking down to find the correct keys to type!
I aso printed out a copy of the colemak layout, so this is how I am typing in colemak 60% of the time even though I don't know all the keys yet. I just look at it when I don't know the letter.
I am waiting till I get to 20 WPM at 95% accuracy before moving onto the next lesson and learning new keys.
I am using Windows Vista business, no problems installing.
I love the no caps/back space key!
I have found just after one week that my left hand is feeling much better. I don't pound the keys anywhere near as much so I am sure this would make a huge difference.
Anyway I am dedicated to learning colemak, if I get even back to near 40 WPM that had with my hunt and peck QWERTY I will be really happy. (and from reading lots of other posts I don't see why this wont be possible!)
I will keep you all posted!
Thanks for the great website and forum.