I found that idea at reddit and it seemed to be interesting. The classic Dvorak's number row is not 12345 67890 but 75319 02468. The idea behind it is to balance hands usage when typing numbers. Also, statistically the numbers 1,2 are typed more often then say 67. But not only that attracted me in that idea. Dvorak for sure proposed to change position of symbols and do not use the qwerty binding of number-symbol on the same key. That works with Dvorak only, because it assumes that other symbols are positioned the Dvorak way. But the guy at reddit proposed to do not change number-symbol combinations. Then for the symbols we have &%#!( )@$^*. That is what attracted me much. Personally I use () and !@ a way more often than say &%^. So then why I have & under index finger and ! under pinkie? Also, I always fish out for 1 in the corner and mistype it with 2 quite often, with these two numbers under different index fingers this will not happen again.
Long story short, I've reprogrammed my Planck and Let's Split for that new number row and going to give it a try at work. BTW, I started to use Let's Split at work exclusively, one week it passed so far.
This is the reddit post I told about. https://www.reddit.com/r/dvorak/comment … ic_dvorak/