Hey everyone! Quitting QWERTY (that's a lot less fun to type now!) cold-turkey. And doing the lessons reminds me I have some bad (but effective) habits. Do I need to break them? Observe:
1) My left hand tends to put z with a, but hitting x and c is done with the second and first fingers, respectively. Maybe I have fat fingers, but in order to get there, I have to slide my whole hand to, say, hit c with my d finger. The fingers naturally curl *inwards* (which makes n-m, e-, i-. o-/ all work fine), but for the left hand, we're suppose to reverse that curl?!?
2) I hit b with my left hand, not my right hand. The letter is equidistant from both index fingers!
3) I pretty much only ever shift with my left pinky. Evn with a shift-Q, I'll use my pinky and ring finger to make the combo (shift-A, Z: same).
4) I never hit space with my left thumb. Keep that thing out of the way!
So: do I need to get rid of these habits? Or are they fine?