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  • Using the AltGr functionality from the original Colemak in Mod-DH

    Using the AltGr functionality from the original Colemak in Mod-DH

    • Started by Sasha Red
    • 12 Replies:
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    I’ve been messing around with Colemak and trying out some of its variants. Is there any way to combine the Colemak Mod-DH layout with the functionality you get when holding AltGr when using the original Colemak? By that, I mean all the fancy accent marks and extra signs:


    This would be useful for writing letters in my native language, Swedish (å ä ö). I can’t figure it out myself because Mod-DH doesn’t seem to be available anywhere but on AutoHotkey when using Windows, and Colemak’s AutoHotkey variant has none of the AltGr functionality. In addition to that, editing the Portable Layout Keyboard .ini files is a pain.

    Last edited by Sasha Red (26-Apr-2018 16:12:42)
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    If you call it Curl-DH, everything gets much easier! ^_^

    You have the nearly invaluable Extend in PKL only unless you want to write a lot of AHK code yourself (but that's possible of course). Yes, editing can be a pain.

    But you have what you need in my PKL_eD pretty much. It's in my Big Bag.

    I'm revamping PKL_eD these days and one of my latest improvements is that you can specify a base layout and an overriding layout. So you could start with one of my files like Colemak-CAW, and just add another layout.ini for Swedish letters only (and changing layout name etc) without messing with the first file.

    The original AltGr mappings are a right mess and I'd much recommend using my Colemak[eD] mappings instead. ;-) If you wish to type a lot of Swedish, you can make a variant with ÅåÄäÖö on brackets/ISO_102.


    If you still insist on using the old Colemak AltGr mappings, one way is to use the Win MSKLC install of Colemak, and then a VirtualKey layout with PKL to just add Extend.

    Last edited by DreymaR (27-Apr-2018 16:56:44)

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    If you are using AutoHotKey, it's very easy to create your own custom AltGr mappings. There's not much point in there being an "official" set of mappings, because everyone has their own different ideas for what symbols/characters they want. For example, this is mine which has programming symbols and numpad.

    Last edited by stevep99 (29-Apr-2018 14:28:38)

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    So, are users supposed to script these things themselves based on what is shown in the threads? Offering a few templates for the ideas presented here would certainly help.

    Last edited by Sasha Red (01-May-2018 08:03:46)
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    Sasha Red said:

    So, are users supposed to script these things themselves based on what is shown in the threads? Offering a few templates for the ideas presented here would certainly help.

    It depends exactly what software you want to use. For example, if you OK with using XKB on Linux or PKL on Windows, then your best bet is to use DreymaR's tools, which support Angle Mod, Wide Mods, Curl Mods (i.e. Mod-DH), and of course, the very wonderful Extend.

    Since you mentioned AutoHotKey, which to be honest I also prefer over PKL when using Windows, then you can certainly use my scripts as templates, in combination with the Mod-DH Autohotkey downloads, and edit to your heart's content. The nice thing about AutoHotKey is you can import multiple scripts in the same instance.

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    You can import as many scripts as you like into PKL, you just have to compile it yourself. My PKL repo contains everything you need for that, including source and compiler. And the top-level file is really simple so you could likely do it almost without getting your hands dirty.

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    Hi, DreymaR and stevep99,

    Is there any AHK file which implements the symbols/ multi-language typing, according to the Colemak convention https://colemak.com/Multilingual and similar to the layout https://www.tastaturaufkleber.eu/images … /279_0.jpg

    I am quite happy with the PKL, but would like to customize few things, e.g. to use the CapsLock as second AltGr (I am typing a lot in Spanish and German and typing e.g. úüö with the right hand only is not very ergonomic..).

    On my work PC I cannot install as Administator, therefore the AHK .zip fits me best.

    Best, Robert

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    I don't know if anyone has made AHK scripts equivalent to that shown on the Colemak Multilingual page - possibly not. The thing about AltGr layers is different people have different priorities for that layer, so there isn't a universally agreed standard.

    I have some AltGr AHK scripts here, but they are designed for typing common symbols, not so much international characters.

    But it's easy enough to change both PKL and AHK, so your best bet is probably to take DreymaR's PKL config, or an AHK file like mine, and just edit it to suit your needs.

    Last edited by stevep99 (17-Sep-2018 13:15:34)

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    CapsLock as AltGr is easy enough in PKL. To run PKL as a script without compiling takes a little fiddling though.

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    CapsLock as AltGr is easy enough in PKL.

    How? I would like to use RAltGr and CapsLock as AltGr. I made some experiments in the pkl.ini, layout.ini etc. but without success. I only was able to de-activate the CapsLock -> backspace

    Also LShift + RShift = CapsLock would be nice, but much less critical.

    But I was not able to remap function keys.

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    Before you do that though, consider using Extend. Then consider using Extend. Then use Extend instead of wasting the CapsLock key on a measly AltGr! ^_^

    If you persist on inferiority, you have to deactivate the extend key in layout.ini; just set it to nothing or comment out the extend_key line I think. Then set it like this in the [layout] section:

    CapsLock = RMENU	VirtualKey	; CapsLock -> RAlt

    Make sure you use actual Tab characters in layout.ini mappings or you'll mess it up.

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    DreymaR said:

    Before you do that though, consider using Extend. Then consider using Extend. Then use Extend instead of wasting the CapsLock key on a measly AltGr! ^_^

    Actually, it would be acceptable to use CapsLock for AltGr... if you already had Extend mapped to something else.

    For example, I previously considered using CapsLock for AltGr, as my LeftAlt is already used for Extend. But instead I decided on using CapsLock for windows/super.

    But what would be inferior... is not having an Extend key at all!!.

    Last edited by stevep99 (18-Sep-2018 16:30:05)

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    This, of course, is entirely true. ^_^

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      • Using the AltGr functionality from the original Colemak in Mod-DH