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    Doing both?

    • Started by bbh
    • 2 Replies:
    • bbh
    • New member
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    • Registered: 05-Jun-2018
    • Posts: 2

    What's up Forum!

    I just discovered  what Colmak is after attaching a bluetooth keyboard to my phone and being prompted to select its input. Viola, there was Colemak next to US - QWERTY. I had heard of Dvorak before, but never Colmak.

    I am intrigued! Before I take the plunge, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share their experience with me. I am concerned about needing to type with two keyboards.

    First, I am a very fast qwerty typer. I have been touch typing over 100wpm for almost 20 years. I appreciate being able to type efficiently.

    My main question / concern: does anyone successfully maintain speedy typing on both QWERTY and Colemak?

    I read that Colemak isn't a good keyboard for mobile, since common letters are so close together. So, I figured I'd like to keep my iPhone in QWERTY when I'm not using my external keyboard.

    Next, I will be a doctor in a few years (former software engineer here though!), and I will have to type at lots of public terminals in the hospital and clinics, all of which will certainly be in QWERTY.

    So, it seems as though I won't be able to eliminate QWERTY from my life. Anyone else stay fast at qwerty when getting great at Colemak?

    Or, is it better for someone in my scenario to just stick with what I'm already fast at?

    Thanks! I'm excited by learning about Colemak. I like little brain teasers and learning new skills, and it seems like learning Colemak could be something fun for me to do on these two months off before medical school starts.

    32 years old and backpacking through Europe and Asia,


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    • bbh
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    • Registered: 05-Jun-2018
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    Oops, apologies if this belongs in "general". I tried to move or delete this post, but can't figure out how to do it on my phone. Maybe a mod can move it for me?

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,381

    There's only one mod on this forum and that's Shai himself. Maybe he'll do it.

    Meanwhile, I use MessagEase as shown in my Big Bag. I prefer a touch screen layout made for touch screens. We're a few colemakers who use it.

    Last edited by DreymaR (05-Jun-2018 17:33:30)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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