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    Typing game tips?

    • Started by DreymaR
    • 7 Replies:
    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,378

    So, apart from the inevitable Typing Of The Dead (see my Big Bag), what typing games do you have experience with?

    I noticed that Viper mentioned Typer Shark 2. That's a good little game, and I played it earlier. But I couldn't get those Scratch ports to work. I see it is on Steam though...

    While browsing around on Steam I found a whole bundle named CAPSLOCKDAY with typing games. Have any of you tried any of those? I'm tempted to take them for a spin...

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    Oooh, they look interesting :) now I really want them as well :p dammit.

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    Hi, Dreymar, I've been testing out a couple of the games, and epistory is quite fun, it's kind of like a zelda-like, with typing sprints built in, it's interesting, and really beautiful, but not completely mine. The grimm reaper game is really fun, but not really about typing, it's a straight up word game, like the old popcap game, it's really good though, even though it's not about typing at all.

    The others I haven't tried, just watched videos on youtube, the words of fear game looks really fun :)

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Thanks for the mini-review! ^_^

    Ooo, that reminds me of Bookworm Adventures. Is that what you meant by "the old Popcap game"?

    I had great fun with that game and a bit with its predecessor. But Typer Shark was about real typing so that's what I used most when learning Dvorak and Colemak.

    Last edited by DreymaR (06-Aug-2018 08:35:10)

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    DreymaR said:

    Ooo, that reminds me of Bookworm Adventures. Is that what you meant by "the old Popcap game"?

    Yes, that's what I meant :) Just couldn't come up with the name, It's very similar to it, and really fun :)

    Epistory is very similar to typershark, you're basically a girl riding on a fox going around in a broken environment, using words to solve puzzles and make things grow back and fix the environment basically, mostly it's calm, and about exploring, then some times you end up going onto a platform, and you get assulted by insects, and then it's very similar to typer shark different enemies rush you with different speed, and different lenghts and amounts of words before they are getting killed. I haven't seen anything like the ghost type fish, or the ones that are changing their words yet though, but it might be that they come later, I've just played it for an hour or so. It works well with pkl, apart from moving the fox around, which seem to be behaving a bit strange, so I have to jump back and forth from the arrow keys, or keep the capslock key in. but since you're using the usb translator that shouldn't be an issue I would think, it also has support for more languages, so you can use that, and it even has a colemak mode, so it seems to be well supported.

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    That game rocks!!

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Which one?

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    • moy
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    It may not be considered as a "game" but www.typeracer.com is great, i spend a lot of time typing there.

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