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    Improving Colemak's Demon Summoning Abilities?

    • Started by NottNott
    • 10 Replies:
    • Reputation: 30
    • Registered: 03-Feb-2018
    • Posts: 126

    Clearly according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpLbJJAf1cg and this written article Colemak is currently falling behind on its Demon summoning capabilities. I know DreymaR's hard at work at improving its ability to scroll through a news feed, but we still haven't managed to crack the supernatural in a way that QWERTY can manage. Any ideas?

    (FYI currently writing up a guide on how to declare an island Micronation in the Pacific)

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Clearly, the writer hadn't tried Colemak-ⲔⲰ[eD].


    Last edited by DreymaR (14-Aug-2018 15:53:22)

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    Hmm, you're quite right. We need a way to programmatically draw pentagrams with only a couple of keystrokes. Shouldn't be too hard. ;)


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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    I've considered adding multi-line hotstrings to PKL, so yeah... ^_^

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Okay, the day hath dawned. Multiline ligatures/powerstrings are coming to a PKL[eD] near you! Tremble, QWERTY!

    Col    .d$$$******$$$$c.  mak  
     e/  .d$P"            "$$c  \/  
     /  $$$$$.     C     .$$$*$. \  
      .$$ 4$L*$$.     .$$Pd$  '$b   
      $F   *$. "$$e.e$$" 4$F   ^$b  
     d$     $$   z$$$e   $$     '$. 
     $P  m  `$L$$P` `"$$d$"   k  $$ 
     $$     e$$F   C   4$$b.     $$ 
     $b  .$$" $$   o  .$$ "4$b.  $$ 
     $$e$P"    $b     d$`    "$$c$F 
      "$c.      4$.  $$       .$$   
     \ ^$$.  DH  $$ d$"  AW  d$P /  
     /\  "$$c.   `$b$F    .d$P" /\  
     CAW   `4$$$c.$$$..e$$P"   [eD] 

    This has been a demonstration of Colemak's new demon summoning capabilities. It retroactively summoned a speed demon named Viper, which proves the greatness of its power.

    To try this out with the latest PKL[eD], see the _eD_PwrStrings.ini file in the PKL_eD folder. Entry 666(!) has been mapped to Extend+Delete for the purpose of demon-stration. It could be mapped to a layout entry or a dead key release too – such is the power of PKL[eD] now.

    I guess someone should notify the article author.

    Last edited by DreymaR (28-Nov-2018 09:11:21)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    DreymaR said:

    Okay, the day hath dawned. Multiline ligatures/hotstrings are coming to a PKL[eD] near you! Tremble, QWERTY!

    Col    .d$$$******$$$$c.  mak  
     e/  .d$P"            "$$c  \/  
     /  $$$$$.     C     .$$$*$. \  
      .$$ 4$L*$$.     .$$Pd$  '$b   
      $F   *$. "$$e.e$$" 4$F   ^$b  
     d$     $$   z$$$e   $$     '$. 
     $P  m  `$L$$P` `"$$d$"   k  $$ 
     $$     e$$F   C   4$$b.     $$ 
     $b  .$$" $$   o  .$$ "4$b.  $$ 
     $$e$P"    $b     d$`    "$$c$F 
      "$c.      4$.  $$       .$$   
     \ ^$$.  DH  $$ d$"  AW  d$P /  
     /\  "$$c.   `$b$F    .d$P" /\  
     CAW   `4$$$c.$$$..e$$P"   [eD] 

    This has been a demonstration of Colemak's new demon summoning capabilities. It retroactively summoned a speed demon named Viper, which proves the greatness of its power.

    To try this out with the latest PKL[eD], see the _eD_Ligatures.ini file in the PKL_eD folder. Entry 666(!) has been mapped to Extend+Delete for the purpose of demon-stration. It could be mapped to a layout entry or a dead key release too – such is the power of PKL[eD] now.


    DreymaR said:

    I guess someone should notify the article author.

    NottNott to the article's author said:

    Furthermore to your article: https://www.beyondtheechochamber.com/th … vs-colemak here, a member of our community has stepped up to improve Colemak's demon summoning abilities, which can be found here: https://forum.colemak.com/topic/2460-im … abilities/

    The efficiency in summoning demons on this Colemak implementation is now unparalleled to any keyboard layout before it. Hopefully the article can now be corrected with more up-to-date information.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,378

    Awesome, NottNott!

    What sux a bit is that different line endings cause trouble. I put only \n in the string, which makes it work in Notepad.exe but not in Notepad2. In Notepad++ it works too, but only if you deactivate auto-indent. :-) On Discord and here I couldn't enter the string directly but had to copy it in from a Notepad window. Notepad2 works with \r\n line endings, but those end up as double line breaks using the old Notepad. Ah well.

    One option might be to actually write the hotstring to the copy-paste buffer! Then paste it into the active window. But that way, the currently active copy buffer would be overwritten which might frustrate users. Hmmm...

     Col    .d$$$******$$$$c.  mak  
     e/  .d$P"            "$$c  \/  
     /  $$$$$.     C     .$$$*$. \  
      .$$ 4$L*$$.     .$$Pd$  '$b   
      $F   *$. "$$e.e$$" 4$F   ^$b  
     d$     $$   z$$$e   $$     '$. 
     $P  m  `$L$$P` `"$$d$"   k  $$ 
     $$     e$$F   C   4$$b.     $$ 
     $b  .$$" $$   o  .$$ "4$b.  $$ 
     $$e$P"    $b     d$`    "$$c$F 
      "$c.      4$.  $$       .$$   
     \ ^$$.  DH  $$ d$"  AW  d$P /  
     /\  "$$c.   `$b$F    .d$P" /\  
     CAW   `4$$$c.$$$..e$$P"   [eD] 

    Yay, the Paste/Clipboard method works for the forums too! But not for old Notepad, sadly. I did manage to save the old clipboard content though. With the clipboard, Notepad2 got double line breaks and old Notepad got no line breaks. What to do, what to do...

    Since the Clipboard does work for both this forum and Discord, it should be an option at least.

    [Edit: Solved it. You can now parse by line breaks and send Shift+Enter key strokes instead of the `n or `r`n chars. A bit more clunky, but it works across many apps/sites. However, the Paste/Clipboard method is less reliable then so I recommend using Message with it.]

    Last edited by DreymaR (30-Oct-2018 12:17:22)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    Heaven forbid a sensible point be made on this thread, but I note that commands such as

    apachectl start


    /etc/init.d/ssh start

    are much easier to type in Colemak than in Qwerty, as they mostly require frequent keys in good positions.

    Therefore, Colemak's daemon summoning abilities are already second to none.

    Last edited by stevep99 (29-Oct-2018 18:13:10)

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,378

    Hehe, I thought about daemons in this context but your observations are indeed sensible. Shame on you for putting us to shame! ^_^

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    AHAHAHAHAH YOU ALL ARE AMAZING! I created a new article, plus an update on the original article that reads as follows:

    Update: The amazing people at the Colemak forum have updated the Colemak keyboard layout's ability to summon demons and cause chaos for all lands and all people, with the only normalcy being the destruction of the sanity people thought they had lost and each day logarithmically becoming more insane as all is consumed by carnage. A new keyboard test is available at https://www.beyondtheechochamber.com/co … on-others/.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,378

    Iä Colemak-ⲔⲰ[eD]!!! Iä! Θώθ

    Oh, btw: I tweaked the design a little and got a slightly higher demon-to-glyph ratio as measured by SteveP's secret analyzer:

     Col    .d$$$******$$$$c.  mak  
     \e/ .d$P"            "$$c \-/  
        $$$$$.     C     .$$$*$.    
      .$$ 4$L*$$.     .$$Pd$  '$b   
      $F   *$. "$$e.e$$" 4$F   ^$b  
     d$     $$   z$$$e   $$     '$. 
     $P  m  `$L$$P` `"$$d$"   k  $$ 
     $$     e$$F   C   4$$b.     $$ 
     $b  .$$" $$   o  .$$ "4$b.  $$ 
     $$e$P"    $b     d$`    "$$c$F 
      "$c.      4$.  $$       .$$   
       ^$$.  DH  $$ d$"  AW  d$P    
         "$$c.   `$b$F    .d$P"     
     CAW   `4$$$c.$$$..e$$P"   [eD] 
    Last edited by DreymaR (08-Nov-2018 10:07:41)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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