Hi, fellow Colemakers!
This isn't a big problem but I notice it when using Amphetype a lot: The period isn't pleasant (sorry if that came out as a bad pun, it wasn't... oh, who am I kidding...). It's not horrible, and it doesn't make me want to move keys around or anything drastic like that – especially given that '<' and '>' sit next to each other on the comma/period keys. But it's a bit annoying because the period key sees some use and curling the ring finger down to hit it isn't delightful.
So what to do about this? Not sure, really. As mentioned, I don't want to do anything drastic and it's not that bad. I've been thinking about trying some alternative fingering but the pinky won't be any better off I think and the middle finger would lead to a lot of hand movement for the benefit. Still, that's not more movement than when hitting Enter on an ISO keyboard...
What about you guys, do any of you feel this way? I use a Wide mod but that shouldn't matter here since the relative positions of the keys involved don't change.
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