Yes, that's what I meant :) Just couldn't come up with the name, It's very similar to it, and really fun :)
Epistory is very similar to typershark, you're basically a girl riding on a fox going around in a broken environment, using words to solve puzzles and make things grow back and fix the environment basically, mostly it's calm, and about exploring, then some times you end up going onto a platform, and you get assulted by insects, and then it's very similar to typer shark different enemies rush you with different speed, and different lenghts and amounts of words before they are getting killed. I haven't seen anything like the ghost type fish, or the ones that are changing their words yet though, but it might be that they come later, I've just played it for an hour or so. It works well with pkl, apart from moving the fox around, which seem to be behaving a bit strange, so I have to jump back and forth from the arrow keys, or keep the capslock key in. but since you're using the usb translator that shouldn't be an issue I would think, it also has support for more languages, so you can use that, and it even has a colemak mode, so it seems to be well supported.