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    New Hebrew keyboard layout

    • Started by Kasher_CS
    • 6 Replies:
    • Reputation: 1
    • Registered: 26-Feb-2019
    • Posts: 5

    שלום לכולם,
    I have recently started developing my own Hebrew layout, based on (some) colemak concepts.
    This is my first version, through it's clearly isn't finished.
    Ignore the english in the picture.
    This layout clearly isn't finished. The same finger diagraph percentage is quite high. I'm having some problems:
    1 -  In Hebrew, there are 3 very common "vowels" with very high usage. היו. I have no idea where to place these on the home row. This is further amplified by the second restriction.
    ה is 8.5%
    י is 11.4%
    ן is 10.5%
    Their digraphs are common with almost any letter so they're tricky to place.
    2 - I want to keep ל, the most used constant, on the right index finger. rs is very tricky in colemak and I would like to not have it if possible.
    Steavep's layout analyzer includes Hebrew letter and diagraph frequencies.

    Last edited by Kasher_CS (26-Feb-2019 16:46:36)
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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,379

    Thanks for posting! It's very interesting. Would be cool if Shai himself came by and commented. :-)

    For us dumbums, could you include the latin phonetic equivalents of each letter?

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    DreymaR said:

    Thanks for posting! It's very interesting. Would be cool if Shai himself came by and commented. :-)

    For us dumbums, could you include the latin phonetic equivalents of each letter?

    Well there are not exact phonetic equivalents :P

    / G Q (Cyrilic X) ts / n (final m) k ;
    m t (uvow, depending on context) h (Glottal stop) (Glottal stop\A\E [rare]) r l i (b\v)
    z s (t,rare outside of names) (f\p) \ d (sh\s)

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,379

    For the not-exacts, there's always IPA. But thanks! ^_^

    Did you see the Hebrew layout topic with Wrapman and myself? Maybe you have some feedback on my table there? That'd be so helpful.

    Last edited by DreymaR (01-Mar-2019 10:09:15)

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    DreymaR said:

    For the not-exacts, there's always IPA. But thanks! ^_^

    Did you see the Hebrew layout topic with Wrapman and myself? Maybe you have some feedback on my table there? That'd be so helpful.

    I posted a new layout there, based on optimal definitions for the letters so that Hebrew typing would be fast while also using a colemak based layout.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,379

    Ah, sorry, I confused myself. I thought there was a separate topic for the Hebrew layout we were working on, but it was just in my general locale topic. Sorry about that.

    But yes, my project would be a phonetic layout and yours is more of a language optimized one. Would be interesting if we can harmonize the efforts to make them as similar as practically possible without sacrificing goodness?

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    • Reputation: 1
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    DreymaR said:

    Ah, sorry, I confused myself. I thought there was a separate topic for the Hebrew layout we were working on, but it was just in my general locale topic. Sorry about that.

    But yes, my project would be a phonetic layout and yours is more of a language optimized one. Would be interesting if we can harmonize the efforts to make them as similar as practically possible without sacrificing goodness?

    Hence my second project, posted in the locale thread. A language optimized semi phonetic layout. It's almost as good compared to this one, mainly cause I have no idea how to make a good layout :P.

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