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  • Alt and Ctrl shortcuts in another language did not switch to Colemak

    Alt and Ctrl shortcuts in another language did not switch to Colemak

    • Started by makarov
    • 3 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 06-May-2019
    • Posts: 7

    I am using Windows 10. After installing Colemak, Alt + letter key and Ctrl + letter key combinations follow the new layout as expected. So far so good. However my other layout is Russian typewriter, and in that layout the Alt and Ctrl mapping remains QWERTY. How do I switch that to Colemak?

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Not entirely sure what you mean, but shortcuts usually follow the VK (Virtual key) codes. So what you'd need to do is have your Russian layout send VK according to the Colemak layout. If this is a MSKLC layout, it can be done by editing a .klc file by hand, replacing the second columns of entries.

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    • Reputation: 23
    • From: Belgium
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    You may be interested in the Rulemak (Russian Colemak) layout: https://forum.colemak.com/topic/519-rul … ak-layout/
    It will make switching between English (Colemak) and Russian (Rulemak) a lot more comfortable, because the layouts are related.

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    • Registered: 06-May-2019
    • Posts: 7

    DreymaR: Thanks, I've solved this by editing the .klc file by hand. However a tricky line was the letter O, where I also had to swap the fifth column with the corresponding qwerty line.

    ghen: thanks but I see nothing wrong with the standard йцукен layout. It does not strain my hands, unlike the horrible qwerty. Russian is my native language.

    Last edited by makarov (05-Jul-2019 15:45:38)
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      • Alt and Ctrl shortcuts in another language did not switch to Colemak