I've been using Dvorak now for maybe a decade. Changing layouts is very traumatic. I don't know if I should consider switching to Coleman or not. I mean, at least Dvorak is a "standard" non-standard layout. There's a dozen alternative layouts out there. Why is Coleman better than the others?
I wonder about the similarities between Coleman and Qwerty. I can see the pragmatic benefits of having ZXCV where it is on qwerty because of the control keys used by programs. But what are the losses compared to being able to move them somewhere else?
The page says "By grouping the vowels (except 'A') on the right hand, it reduces very long sequences of same-hand typing". Okay, so why isn't 'A' on the right hand too?
I guess I want more assurances that before I go through the traumatic process of re-learning, that this really is the "ultimate" keyboard layout. I can see the benefits of moving the L on dvorak. I'm curious about the benefits of putting ZXCV back in the qwerty positions. But I want to know all the whys and wherefores.