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    Help with PKL

    • Started by Alatrix
    • 16 Replies:
    • Reputation: 1
    • Registered: 29-Apr-2020
    • Posts: 16

    Ok, I'm here again.
    I would like to use just a (not very) simple colemak mod-dh angle mod wide.
    I found one version in klc format and is fine, but I prefer using pkl and so, I searched for a pkl version and found this.
    the caps lock does not work and it has some doubtfully positioned ones.
    I know there is a klc2ini file that should help me, but I cannot use it because I don't know how...

    Can someone please explain me how I should run that script, tell me how to somehow get the ISO one in PKL format, or just explain how i should write a PKL so that I can do that on my own?
    Any help is higly appreciated


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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,360

    Why not use the very much updated EPKL? Seriously, do people use that old piece of...? See the BigBag topic.

    My name for it is CAW: CurlAngleWide(ISO). It's pretty much the default variant, except I've taken to using a Sym mod too. You can kill that by commenting out the "Other" line in the EPKL_Layouts_Override.ini file.

    Last edited by DreymaR (07-May-2020 09:15:34)

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    Ok, I tried to use EPKL, but there wasn't much infos on how to use it, and as you understood, i am not a coder and struggled to configure it.
    2nd point is that your Colemak CAW isn't really a mod-dh, there is that oe kinda symbol that in my native language and in english is never used and it takes the place of the far more common / that you placed in the corner.
    RN I understood how to change letter positioning, but still..
    Is there some kind of PKL2EPKL or klc2EPKL?
    I noticed a "ImgGenerator", but didn't find any way to use it
    The caps lock doesn't work either
    I can't find a CurlAWide version with àèìòù on AltGr+aeiou (like the file I attached)
    I would really like to switch to EPKL because it is better studied, optimized and more customizable, but it does not solve my problem.


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    So I'm at this point:
    I have a PKL layout that is OK, but caps lock doesn't work
    I know how to move letters with EPKL
    On EPKL, caps lock does not work either
    I don't know any way to take the pkl into EPKL
    Colemak CAW IT has accented letters in positioning I don't like.
    (understood how to generate image)

    I could move manually the PKL, and I did, but with no luck (see attach)

    Last edited by Alatrix (07-May-2020 12:57:22)


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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,360

    "Isn't really a Mod-DH" is a silly thing to say. "Mod-DH" is the outdated name for the Colemak-DH mod, just like "Curl(DH)" is my name for it.

    The CapsLock key should work all right, unless you have some other AHK script with a key hook running. But by default it's an Extend key which is a lot better than a simple CapsLock or Backspace. Different options for it are seen in the EPKL_Layout files.

    By default the AltGr key is mapped as in Colemak[eD], so there's a dead key on AltGr+\ for àèìòù etc. For Italian there's an "It" locale variant that gives you these more accessibly. I prefer the Spanish variant though, as it uses dead keys.

    The œ glyph is freely customizeable (and yes, it does exist in the English language even if you haven't seen it yet!), it's used for locale characters like for instance an easily accessible grave dead key. If your keyboard doesn't have this extra key between LShift and Z you need to set the keyboard type from ISO to ANS (meaning ANSI).

    There is no conversion tool from KLC yet. Maybe in the future. There's a help image generator that needs the Inkscape program.

    Last edited by DreymaR (07-May-2020 11:58:29)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    DreymaR said:

    "Isn't really a Mod-DH" is a silly thing to say.

    I am sorry, I just meant that it isn't like the one I am using, with accented letters on altGr.
    Sorry for the misunderstanding.
    I don't really like the caps lock as a n extend layer, but that is just a preference. I can't still get the caps lock to work on PKL or EPKL btw.
    Ok, I didn't know the existance of the œ ligature in english, but I am sure it does not exist in italian and I would reserve that key for a "more used symbol".
    I have an ISO keyboard since that is what the Italian qwerty layout is "built on" but I cannot fisically move keys because of sculpted keycaps.
    Yes, I know about the IT variant, but, as said,  but the positioning of the accented letters, for me personally isn't the best, because it puts a lot of strain on my fingers to reach them.
    With that said, have you an idea on why my caps isn't working on PKL and EPKL?


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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Both PKL and EPKL use the CapsLock key as an Extend key. EPKL takes it further, adding special functions to tapping it, and separate layers for RShift+Caps, AltGr+Caps etc. So it's very powerful. To use the Caps Lock with Extend, I have it mapped to Ext+Esc, so I hold Caps and press Esc to (un)lock the caps.

    I am so much in love with Extend that I have to tell you that if you don't like it that's because you don't understand it!  ★⌒ヽ( ͡° ε ͡°)

    If you want your CapsLock back to normal, you have to unmap it in both EPKL_Layouts files. Find this section:

    ;shiftStates    =		0   :   1   :   2   :   6   :   7       ;   8   :   9
    ;; SC = VKEY    	CStat	Base	Shift	Ctrl	AltGr	AGrSh	;	SGCap	SGCSh
    ;;  *** Several options are shown for the Caps key. Of course, they could be used on other keys. The MoDK is awesome!
    ;SC03a = BACK    	VKey 											; CapsLock as Backspace (CAPITAL -> BACK)
    ;SC03a = Extend  	Mod 											; CapsLock as the Extend modifier
    ;SC03a = BACK/Ext 	VKey 											; CapsLock as a Tap-or-Mod key: Backspace on tap, Extend on hold
    SC03a = BACK/Ext 	0   	@ex0	@ex1	*#. 	@ex6	@ex7	; CapsLock as Mother-of-DKs (MoDK) on tap, Extend on hold; Ctrl+{Ext} = emoji picker

    To unmap the key, put a semicolon in front of all lines that mention SC03a (which is the scan code for the CapsLock key). To use it as Backspace, uncomment the line with BACK in it.

    You could use the layout.ini file for Colemak-It[eD] and just change anything you don't like. You see the keys that include the one with œ on it, and you can just type in any characters you want instead. You see the ShiftStates as in the box above, so you'll want to change the 0:1 and 6:7 state entries. If you want to change other keys that aren't in the layout.ini file already, you have to find the BaseLayout.ini file which is usually one folder level up. You can copy keys from the BaseLayout to layout.ini and change them there, and it'll override the BaseLayout.

    Last edited by DreymaR (07-May-2020 13:39:53)

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    I just fell in love with your caps lock... THAT'S SO POWERFUL!!!!
    How could I live with that old caps lock all the time???
    I can use caps to write "and, the (ง ಠ_ಠ)ง  (p〃д〃q)  (✿◠‿◠)  ( のvの)....."
    I simply love it!!
    Now I am asking to myself why I was still using that old PKL..
    Thank you!  ฅʕ •ᴥ•ʔฅ

    I am so much in love with Extend that I have to tell you that if you don't like it that's because you don't understand it!  ★⌒ヽ( ͡° ε ͡°)

    You are right, of course I didn't understand it!
    Now, my (hopefully) last request:
    Can you please create some help images for me, since I can't install Inkscape and so I cannot make them for my own?


    This is the layout I am using now

    ;;  Layout definitions
    ;;  for Portable Keyboard Layout by Farkas Máté [https://github.com/Portable-Keyboard-Layout]
    ;;  edition DreymaR (Øystein B Gadmar, 2015-)   [https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixPKL]
    ;;  To use this layout, edit the EPKL_Layouts.ini 'layout = ' and/or Type/Mod/ID/etc entries.
    ;;  Alternatively, run EPKL in compactMode with the layout's files in the main program folder.
    ;;  This is an EPKL style layout.ini file
    ;;    - It may point to a base layout, Extend and DeadKey table files containing layout parts
    ;;    - The layout file specifies changes from the base layout, remaps and other layout info
    ;;    - A classic PKL layout.ini file can be reconstructed from the component files
    ;;    - If the layout file uses remaps, those must be redone manually for full reconstruction
    layoutName      = Colemak-eD CurlAngle-ISO ergo.
    layoutCode      = Cmk-eD-CAngle-ISO
    localeID        = 00000409
    copyright       = DreymaR (GPL v4)
    company         = Shai Coleman, DreymaR
    homepage        = http://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=1467
    version         = 4.0
    ;;  A layout may augment its base one. The Remap file contains ergo and other layout remaps.
    ;;  The Extend/dkList/string files hold Extend, dead key and literal/PowerString definitions.
    baseLayout      = Colemak-eD\BaseLayout_Cmk-eD_ISO
    ;;  The "layout/soft" ScanCode map is for typing, the "extend/hard" one for Extend mappings.
    ;;  The "mechanical layout" VirtualKey map is mainly for ANS(I)/ISO/JIS conversion.
    ;mapSC_layout    = Tarmak_1C_ISO	; Tarmak_#, Tarmak_#C_ISO
    mapSC_layout    = CurlDH_ISO		; Angle_ISO, AWide_ISO, CmkCAW_ISO etc - see _eD_Remap.ini
    mapSC_extend    = Angle_ISO_ExtDV 	; Only "hard" (non-letter) mods. If DH Ext+V follows ^V, use _ExtDV.
    ;mapVK_mecSym    = ANS2ISO			; ANS2ISO, ISO2ANS - convert KbdType
    ;;  DreymaR's Cmk-IBM help images (5*14 keys @96dpi)
    ;img_sizeWH      = 812,282			; (541,188 @64dpi)
    ;;  DreymaR's compact help images (3*10 keys @48dpi)
    ;img_sizeWH      = 292,85			; ISO-Angle 298,85. Others 292,85.
    ;;  Scaling factor for help images, in %. (96->64)dpi = 66.66%; (96->48)dpi = 50%
    ;img_scale       = 100
    ;;  Background image (key caps etc) and a background color for the image panel
    ;img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ISO_nice-tinted.png
    img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ISO_finger-Angle-eD-FShui.png
    ;img_bgColor     = 999999
    ;;  On/Off, Extend, Dead key and Shift state marker (e.g., MagBlob, GrnBlob) images
    ;;  Variants pointing to another layout's images may have some discrepancies.
    icons_OnOff     = Files\ImgIcons\Co-5_
    img_Extend1     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO-CAngle_Ext1.png 	; CAngle if Ctrl+V follows V, Angle if not
    img_Extend2     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO-CAngle_Ext2.png 	; --"--
    img_Extend3     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO-CAngle_Ext3.png 	; "Soft" mnemonic layers follow letters
    ;img_DKeyDir     = .\DeadkeyImg
    img_DKeyDir     = ..\Cmk-eD_ISO\DeadkeyImg
    ;img_shftDir     = Files\ImgModStates\GrnBlob
    ;;  This section is not used by EPKL, but a PKL Perl script used it to determine fingering colors.
    ;row1 = 1123344566788	; Num   ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
    ;row2 = 1123445567888	; Top   →  Q W F P B J L U Y ; [ ]
    ;row3 = 1123445567888	; Hom   ↑  A R S T G K N E I O ' \
    ;row4 =  12344955678 	; Low     Z X C D V _ M H , . /
    ;;  Override keys from the base layout with mappings here. A -1 or "VK" entry resets that key.
    ;shiftStates    =			0	:	1	:	2	:	6	:	7		;	8	:	9
    ;; SC = VKEY    	CStat	Base	Shift	Ctrl	AltGr	AGrSh	;	SGCap	SGCSh

    This is the base layout where I edited the ligature to be "/ and \" and added accented letters

    ;;  Layout definitions
    ;;  for Portable Keyboard Layout by Farkas Máté [https://github.com/Portable-Keyboard-Layout]
    ;;  edition DreymaR (Øystein B Gadmar, 2015-)   [https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixPKL]
    ;;  To use this layout, edit the EPKL_Layouts.ini 'layout = ' and/or Type/Mod/ID/etc entries.
    ;;  Alternatively, run EPKL in compactMode with the layout's files in the main program folder.
    ;;  This is an EPKL style layout.ini file
    ;;    - It may point to a base layout, Extend and DeadKey table files containing layout parts
    ;;    - The layout file specifies changes from the base layout, remaps and other layout info
    ;;    - A classic PKL layout.ini file can be reconstructed from the component files
    ;;    - If the layout file uses remaps, those must be redone manually for full reconstruction
    layoutName      = Colemak-eD (ISO)
    layoutCode      = Cmk-eD-ISO
    localeID        = 00000409
    copyright       = DreymaR (GPL v4)
    company         = Shai Coleman, DreymaR
    homepage        = http://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=1467
    version         = 4.0
    ;;  A layout may augment its base one. The Remap file contains ergo and other layout remaps.
    ;;  The Extend/dkList/string files hold Extend, dead key and literal/PowerString definitions.
    ;baseLayout      = Colemak-eD\BaseLayout_Cmk-eD_ISO
    ;remapsFile      = Files\_eD_Remap.ini
    ;extendFile      = Files\_eD_Extend.ini
    ;dkListFile      = Files\_eD_DeadKeys.ini
    ;stringFile      = Files\_eD_PwrStrings.ini
    ;;  The "layout/soft" ScanCode map is for typing, the "extend/hard" one for Extend mappings.
    ;;  The "mechanical layout" VirtualKey map is mainly for ANS(I)/ISO/JIS conversion.
    ;mapSC_layout    = Tarmak_1C_ISO	; Tarmak_#, Tarmak_#C_ISO
    ;mapSC_layout    = CmkCAW_ISO		; Angle_ISO, AWide_ISO, CmkCAW_ISO etc - see _eD_Remap.ini
    ;mapSC_extend    = AWide_ISO_ExtDV 	; Only "hard" (non-letter) mods. If DH Ext+V follows ^V, use _ExtDV.
    ;mapVK_mecSym    = ANS2ISO			; ANS2ISO, ISO2ANS - convert KbdType
    ;;  DreymaR's Cmk-IBM help images (5*14 keys @96dpi)
    img_sizeWH      = 812,282			; (541,188 @64dpi)
    ;;  DreymaR's compact help images (3*10 keys @48dpi)
    ;img_sizeWH      = 292,85			; ISO-Angle 298,85. Others 292,85.
    ;;  Scaling factor for help images, in %. (96->64)dpi = 66.66%; (96->48)dpi = 50%
    img_scale       = 100
    ;;  Background image (key caps etc) and a background color for the image panel
    img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ISO_nice-tinted.png
    ;img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ISO_finger-eD-FShui.png
    img_bgColor     = 999999
    ;;  On/Off, Extend, Dead key and Shift state marker (e.g., MagBlob, GrnBlob) images
    icons_OnOff     = Files\ImgIcons\Co-5_
    img_Extend1     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO_Ext1.png
    img_Extend2     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO_Ext2.png
    img_Extend3     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO_Ext3.png
    img_Extend4     = Files\ImgExtend\_Empty_Ext.png
    img_DKeyDir     = .\Cmk-eD-ISO\DeadkeyImg
    img_shftDir     = Files\ImgModStates\GrnBlob
    ;;  This section is not used by EPKL, but a PKL Perl script used it to determine fingering colors.
    ;row1 = 1123344566788	; Num   ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
    ;row2 = 1123445567888	; Top   →  Q W F P G J L U Y ; [ ]
    ;row3 = 1123445567888	; Hom   ↑  A R S T D H N E I O ' \
    ;row4 =  12344955678 	; Low     _ Z X C V B K M , . /
    shiftStates    =			0	:	1	:	2	:	6	:	7		;	8	:	9
    ;; SC = VKEY    	CStat	Base	Shift	Ctrl	AltGr	AGrSh	;	SGCap	SGCSh
    SC029 = OEM_5   	0   	`   	~   	--  	@07e	≈   	; QWERTY `~ - dk_Tilde (ANS/ISO_3/5)
    SC002 = 1       	0   	1   	!   	--  	@323	¡   	; QWERTY 1! - dk_DotBelow
    SC003 = 2       	0   	2   	@   	--  	@309	²   	; QWERTY 2@ - dk_HookAbove/PalatalHook
    SC004 = 3       	0   	3   	#   	--  	@31b	³   	; QWERTY 3# - dk_Horn/Tail/RetroflexHook
    SC005 = 4       	0   	4   	$   	--  	@0a4	£   	; QWERTY 4$ - dk_Currency
    SC006 = 5       	0   	5   	%   	--  	@0b5	‰   	; QWERTY 5% - dk_Greek(Mu)
    SC007 = 6       	0   	6   	^   	--  	@05e	∂   	; QWERTY 6^ - dk_Circumflex
    SC008 = 7       	0   	7   	&   	--  	@2c7	¬   	; QWERTY 7& - dk_Caron
    SC009 = 8       	0   	8   	*   	--  	@2db	∞   	; QWERTY 8* - dk_Ogonek/CommaBelow
    SC00a = 9       	0   	9   	(   	--  	@2d8	·   	; QWERTY 9( - dk_Breve
    SC00b = 0       	0   	0   	)   	--  	@0b0	°   	; QWERTY 0) - dk_RingAbove/Lig
    SC00c = OEM_PLUS	0   	-   	_   	--  	@0af	±   	; QWERTY -_ - dk_Macron (ANS/ISO_MINUS/PLUS)
    SC00d = OEM_4   	0   	=   	+   	--  	@2dd	≠   	; QWERTY =+ - dk_DblAcute/Sci (ANS/ISO_PLUS/4)
    SC010 = Q       	1   	q   	Q   	--  	‚   	„   	; QWERTY qQ
    SC011 = W       	1   	w   	W   	--  	‘   	“   	; QWERTY wW
    SC012 = F       	1   	f   	F   	--  	’   	”   	; QWERTY eE
    SC013 = P       	1   	p   	P   	--  	π   	¶   	; QWERTY rR
    SC014 = G       	5   	g   	G   	--  	ŋ   	Ŋ   	; QWERTY tT
    SC015 = J       	5   	j   	J   	--  	ʃ   	Ʃ   	; QWERTY yY
    SC016 = L       	5   	l   	L   	--  	ł   	Ł   	; QWERTY uU
    SC017 = U       	1   	u   	U   	--  	ù  		Ù   	; QWERTY iI
    SC018 = Y       	1   	y   	Y   	--  	›   	»   	; QWERTY oO
    SC019 = OEM_3   	0   	;   	:   	--  	@0a8	…   	; QWERTY pP - dk_Umlaut (ANS/ISO_1/3)
    SC01a = OEM_6   	4   	[   	{   	&Esc	å   	Å   	; QWERTY [{ Cmk[eD]-## (ANS/ISO_4/6)
    SC01b = OEM_1   	4   	]   	}   	--  	æ   	Æ   	; QWERTY ]} Cmk[eD]-## (ANS/ISO_6/1)
    SC01e = A       	1   	a   	A   	--  	à   	À   	; QWERTY aA
    SC01f = R       	1   	r   	R   	--  	®   	™   	; QWERTY sS
    SC020 = S       	1   	s   	S   	--  	ß   	§   	; QWERTY dD
    SC021 = T       	5   	t   	T   	--  	þ   	Þ   	; QWERTY fF
    SC022 = D       	5   	d   	D   	--  	ð   	Ð   	; QWERTY gG
    SC023 = H       	5   	h   	H   	--  	ħ   	Ħ   	; QWERTY hH
    SC024 = N       	1   	n   	N   	--  	–   	↑   	; QWERTY jJ
    SC025 = E       	1   	e   	E   	--  	è   	È   	; QWERTY kK
    SC026 = I       	1   	i   	I   	--  	ì   	Ì   	; QWERTY lL
    SC027 = O       	1   	o   	O   	--  	ò   	Ò   	; QWERTY ;:
    SC028 = OEM_7   	0   	'   	"   	--  	@0b4	′   	; QWERTY '"" - dk_Acute/Superscript (ANS/ISO_7)
    SC02b = OEM_2   	0   	\   	|   	--  	@060	¦   	; QWERTY \|  - dk_Grave/Subscript (ANS/ISO_5/2)
    SC056 = OEM_102 	5   	/   	\   	--  	ø   	Ø   	; QWERTY OEM_102 Cmk[eD]-## (ISO_102)
    SC02c = Z       	5   	z   	Z   	--  	ʒ   	Ʒ   	; QWERTY zZ
    SC02d = X       	1   	x   	X   	--  	†   	‡   	; QWERTY xX
    SC02e = C       	1   	c   	C   	--  	©   	¢   	; QWERTY cC
    SC02f = V       	1   	v   	V   	--  	÷   	γ   	; QWERTY vV
    SC030 = B       	1   	b   	B   	--  	•   	β   	; QWERTY bB
    SC031 = K       	5   	k   	K   	--  	ç   	Ç   	; QWERTY nN
    SC032 = M       	1   	m   	M   	--  	×   	↓   	; QWERTY mM
    SC033 = OEM_COMMA 	0   	,   	<   	--  	@0b8	≤   	; QWERTY ,< - dk_Cedilla
    SC034 = OEM_PERIOD 	0   	.   	>   	--  	@2d9	≥   	; QWERTY .> - dk_DotAbove
    SC035 = OEM_MINUS	0   	/   	?   	--  	@02f	¿   	; QWERTY /? - dk_Stroke/Bar (ANS/ISO_2/MINUS)
    SC039 = SPACE   	0   	Spc 	Spc 	--  	    	    	; QWERTY Space
    SC053 = DECIMAL 	0   	.   	,   	--  	--  	--  	; QWERTY Numpad Decimal
    ;SC03a = BACK    	VirtualKey	; CapsLock as Backspace (CAPITAL -> BACK)
    ;SC03a = Extend  	Modifier	; CapsLock as the Extend key
    ;;  Names listed in this section will override those in the deadkey tables file.
    ;@323 = DotBelow      	; . - Dot below
    ;@309 = Hook-Palatal  	; ̉  - Hook, palatal hook, rhotic hook
    ;@31b = Horn-Tail     	; ̛ - Horn, tail
    ;@0a4 = Currency      	; ¤ - Currency symbols
    ;@0b5 = Greek         	; µ - Greek letters
    ;@05e = Circumflex    	; ^ - Circumflex
    ;@2c7 = Caron         	; ˇ - Caron
    ;@2db = Ogonek-CmBel  	; ˛ - Ogonek, comma below
    ;@2d8 = Breve         	; ˘ - Breve, Gr. Vrachy
    ;@0b0 = RingAbov-Lig  	; ° - Ring above, ligatures, ring symbols
    ;@0af = Macron        	; ¯ - Macron, horz. line symbols
    ;@2dd = DblAcute-Sci  	; ˝ - Double acute, science/math symbols
    ;@0a8 = Umlaut        	; ¨ - Umlaut, diaeresis, Gr. Dialytika
    ;@07e = Tilde         	; ~ - Tilde, Gr. Perispomeni
    ;@0b4 = Acute-Sup     	; ´ - Acute, Gr. Tonos-Oxia, superscripts
    ;@060 = Grave-Sub     	; ` - Grave, Gr. Varia, subscripts
    ;@0b8 = Cedilla       	; ¸ - Cedilla
    ;@2d9 = DotAbove      	; ˙ - Dot above, dot symbols
    ;@02f = Stroke-Bar    	; / - Stroke, bar, fractions

    So, can you please make some help images for me just for that particolar layout? ༼ 人 ◕_◕ ༽


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    Ok, I decided to make another reply to write this.
    I also have a "UK-ANSI" keyboard (it is newer and better), soo...
    can you make help images for that too?


    The base layout is the same as the one I sent you before, but I need help images for this other layout too

    ;;  Layout definitions
    ;;  for Portable Keyboard Layout by Farkas Máté [https://github.com/Portable-Keyboard-Layout]
    ;;  edition DreymaR (Øystein B Gadmar, 2015-)   [https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixPKL]
    ;;  To use this layout, edit the EPKL_Layouts.ini 'layout = ' and/or Type/Mod/ID/etc entries.
    ;;  Alternatively, run EPKL in compactMode with the layout's files in the main program folder.
    ;;  This is an EPKL style layout.ini file
    ;;    - It may point to a base layout, Extend and DeadKey table files containing layout parts
    ;;    - The layout file specifies changes from the base layout, remaps and other layout info
    ;;    - A classic PKL layout.ini file can be reconstructed from the component files
    ;;    - If the layout file uses remaps, those must be redone manually for full reconstruction
    layoutName      = Colemak-eD CurlAngle(Z)ANSI ergo.
    layoutCode      = Cmk-eD-CAngle-Z
    localeID        = 00000409
    copyright       = DreymaR (GPL v4)
    company         = Shai Coleman, DreymaR
    homepage        = http://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=1467
    version         = 4.0
    ;;  A layout may augment its base one. The Remap file contains ergo and other layout remaps.
    ;;  The Extend/dkList/string files hold Extend, dead key and literal/PowerString definitions.
    baseLayout      = Colemak-eD\BaseLayout_Cmk-eD_ANS
    ;;  The "layout/soft" ScanCode map is for typing, the "extend/hard" one for Extend mappings.
    ;;  The "mechanical layout" VirtualKey map is mainly for ANS(I)/ISO/JIS conversion.
    ;mapSC_layout    = Tarmak_1C_ANS	; Tarmak_#, Tarmak_#C_ANS
    mapSC_layout    = CurlDH_ANS		; Angle_ANS, AWide_ANS, CmkCAW_ANS etc - see _eD_Remap.ini
    mapSC_extend    = Angle_ANS_ExtDV 	; Only "hard" (non-letter) mods. If DH Ext+V follows ^V, use _ExtDV.
    ;mapVK_mecSym    = ANS2ISO			; ANS2ISO, ISO2ANS - convert KbdType
    ;;  DreymaR's Cmk-IBM help images (5*14 keys @96dpi)
    ;img_sizeWH      = 812,282			; (541,188 @64dpi)
    ;;  DreymaR's compact help images (3*10 keys @48dpi)
    ;img_sizeWH      = 292,85			; ISO-Angle 298,85. Others 292,85.
    ;;  Scaling factor for help images, in %. (96->64)dpi = 66.66%; (96->48)dpi = 50%
    ;img_scale       = 100
    ;;  Background image (key caps etc) and a background color for the image panel
    ;img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ANS_nice-tinted.png
    img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ANS_finger-Angle-eD-FShui.png
    ;img_bgColor     = 999999
    ;;  On/Off, Extend, Dead key and Shift state marker (e.g., MagBlob, GrnBlob) images
    ;;  Variants pointing to another layout's images may have some discrepancies.
    icons_OnOff     = Files\ImgIcons\Co-5_
    img_Extend1     = Files\ImgExtend\ANS-CAngle_Ext1.png 	; CAngle if Ctrl+V follows V, Angle if not
    img_Extend2     = Files\ImgExtend\ANS-CAngle_Ext2.png 	; --"--
    img_Extend3     = Files\ImgExtend\ANS-CAngle_Ext3.png 	; "Soft" mnemonic layers follow letters
    ;img_DKeyDir     = .\DeadkeyImg
    img_DKeyDir     = ..\Cmk-eD_ANS\DeadkeyImg
    ;img_shftDir     = Files\ImgModStates\GrnBlob
    ;;  This section is not used by EPKL, but a PKL Perl script used it to determine fingering colors.
    ;row1 = 1123344566788	; Num   ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
    ;row2 = 1123445567888	; Top   →  Q W F P B J L U Y ; [ ]
    ;row3 = 1123445567888	; Hom   ↑  A R S T G K N E I O ' \
    ;row4 =  12344955678 	; Low     _ X C D V Z M H , . /
    ;;  Override keys from the base layout with mappings here. A -1 or "VK" entry resets that key.
    ;shiftStates    =			0	:	1	:	2	:	6	:	7		;	8	:	9
    ;; SC = VKEY    	CStat	Base	Shift	Ctrl	AltGr	AGrSh	;	SGCap	SGCSh

    I hope to heve been clear, since my English isn't very good, and thank you for all the things you helped me doing.


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    Okay, nice that you enjoy it too. I have to warn you though, that sometimes when using the most advanced Extend key and AltGr too quickly after each other, the LCtrl key may get stuck. When you then type letters, they'll turn into Ctrl+letters and all hell breaks loose.  (ノ*・д・)ノ  To release it again if that happens, just press and release the Left Control key.

    Actually, I can't make help images right now but I'll get back to it. Send me a message on the Colemak Discord if I forget it. The reason for this is that Inkscape just came out in a new version (it's finally v1.0!) which breaks the old command line syntax and I'm still working out how to operate it now. But the good thing is that image creation will be a whole lot faster than before!

    Last edited by DreymaR (14-May-2020 11:20:50)

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    Yes, in fact, it got stuck a few times when I was using it for the first time, but got fixed by restarting anyway.
    Ok, don't worry if it is right now or in a month, I don't need them rn.

    Ps.: last question (pt. 2): if in the EPKL_Settings.ini I set this to no:

    showHelpImage   = yes 			;   	- Display the layout help image on startup (yes/no)

    I cannot later enable it using Ctrl+Shift+1.

    If I press Ctrl+Shift+1 with the "enable help image on startup" set to yes, it works just fine, but if i do it with that set to no, a strange glitchy thing appears on the sceen and it doesn't show the image.
    Am I doing something wrong, or is it just something with EPKL wrong?

    Last edited by Alatrix (14-May-2020 11:35:35)


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    At least, now you know why it gets stuck and how to fix it. It's because of timer problems with the Tap-or-Mod Extend key. It took me ages to figure out what was even happening...  ╭(๑•﹏•)╮

    The show help image bug is known. I haven't gotten around to fixing it, because it isn't such a big deal for me. When I start EPKL, I just move the image out of my way or press Ctrl+Shift+1 to hide it.

    Last edited by DreymaR (14-May-2020 11:37:57)

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    The show help image bug is known. I haven't gotten around to fixing it, because it isn't such a big deal for me. When I start EPKL, I just move the image out of my way or press Ctrl+Shift+1 to hide it.

    Ok, happy to know it is not just my bug.


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    Hey, guess what?
    I have another doubt!
    Since, as said, I use 2 keyboards, 1 ANSI and 1 ISO, is there a way to set the layouts to be the first ISO (that works) and the second ANSI?

    ;;  =====================================================================================================================
    ;;  EPKL Layout override settings:
    ;;  This file takes precedence over EPKL_Layouts.ini if it's present. Rename or delete it to use the normal file.
    ;;  For more info about the settings below, see the normal settings file.
    LayType = eD 		; @T: eD (edition DreymaR), VK (just moves keys around)
    LocalID = -- 		; @L: --, Locale code. Check in the layout folders which combos exist, or make your own.
    KbdType = ISO 		; @K: ANS (for ANSI), ISO
    CurlMod = Curl 		; @C: --, Curl, CurlM (DH mod; usually with an A/Angle ergo mod. CurlM/DHm isn't premade.)
    ErgoMod = Angle 	; @E: --, Angle, AWide, AWing
    OthrMod = -- 		; @O: --, Any other mods defined as a suffix, such as DreymaR's Sym
    ;;  Colemak[edition DreymaR] or VirtualKey; switch to QWERTY with the same ergo mods except Curl/Other
    layout = Colemak-@T\Cmk-@T@L@V:Colemak(@T)@L@C@E,Colemak-@T\Cmk-@T@L@C@E@O:Colemak(@T)@L@C@E
    ;;  Start with plain Virtualkey QWERTY; switch to non-locale Colemak with ergo mods
    ;layout = QWERTY\QWE-VK@K:QWERTY(VK),Colemak-@T\Cmk-@T@L@V:Colemak(@T)@L@C@E

    Edit: I figured it out.
    If it may ever be useful to anyone else, I'll write how I did it (nothing special)

    layout = Colemak-@T\Cmk-@T@L@V:Colemak(@T)@L@C@E,Colemak-@T\Cmk-@T_ANS_@C@E:Colemak(@T)@L_ANS@C@E
    Last edited by Alatrix (14-May-2020 12:03:49)


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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Is your second layout just the normal Colemak-eD_CurlAngle(Z)ANSI? Because that has help images already.

    When you edit a layout, you may use the BaseLayout for everything you don't change. That'll make your layout.ini file a lot clearer to read. You only changed the AltGr mappings for AEIOU, right?

    Also, consider what you lost when you took the AEIOU keys for accents. Most of it will probably not be necessary for you, but there are some arrows →←, the gender ordinators ºª, and the left bracket quotes ‹«. I'd put the latter on the L key at least. Or do you just want the help images for what you have already? I've made it work again.

    The next question is how I should send you the results. I could post the images in the chat on the Colemak Discord if you like, but I can't post them here without putting them in my Dropbox and generating a link which I don't feel much like. As a last resort, I could put them in a _Test layout folder in the repo (and likely delete it in the next commit after the upcoming one).

    Last edited by DreymaR (14-May-2020 12:59:25)

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
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    Also, consider what you lost when you took the AEIOU keys for accents

    Yes, you are right, I now restored the brackets and the € symbol that I often use.

    I've made it work again.

    I was sure you were able, my wise master


    This is the edited "BaseLayout_Cmk-eD_ISO.ini"

    ;;  Layout definitions
    ;;  for Portable Keyboard Layout by Farkas Máté [https://github.com/Portable-Keyboard-Layout]
    ;;  edition DreymaR (Øystein B Gadmar, 2015-)   [https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixPKL]
    ;;  To use this layout, edit the EPKL_Layouts.ini 'layout = ' and/or Type/Mod/ID/etc entries.
    ;;  Alternatively, run EPKL in compactMode with the layout's files in the main program folder.
    ;;  This is an EPKL style layout.ini file
    ;;    - It may point to a base layout, Extend and DeadKey table files containing layout parts
    ;;    - The layout file specifies changes from the base layout, remaps and other layout info
    ;;    - A classic PKL layout.ini file can be reconstructed from the component files
    ;;    - If the layout file uses remaps, those must be redone manually for full reconstruction
    layoutName      = Colemak-eD (ISO)
    layoutCode      = Cmk-eD-ISO
    localeID        = 00000409
    copyright       = DreymaR (GPL v4)
    company         = Shai Coleman, DreymaR
    homepage        = http://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=1467
    version         = 4.0
    ;;  A layout may augment its base one. The Remap file contains ergo and other layout remaps.
    ;;  The Extend/dkList/string files hold Extend, dead key and literal/PowerString definitions.
    ;baseLayout      = Colemak-eD\BaseLayout_Cmk-eD_ISO
    ;remapsFile      = Files\_eD_Remap.ini
    ;extendFile      = Files\_eD_Extend.ini
    ;dkListFile      = Files\_eD_DeadKeys.ini
    ;stringFile      = Files\_eD_PwrStrings.ini
    ;;  The "layout/soft" ScanCode map is for typing, the "extend/hard" one for Extend mappings.
    ;;  The "mechanical layout" VirtualKey map is mainly for ANS(I)/ISO/JIS conversion.
    ;mapSC_layout    = Tarmak_1C_ISO	; Tarmak_#, Tarmak_#C_ISO
    ;mapSC_layout    = CmkCAW_ISO		; Angle_ISO, AWide_ISO, CmkCAW_ISO etc - see _eD_Remap.ini
    ;mapSC_extend    = AWide_ISO_ExtDV 	; Only "hard" (non-letter) mods. If DH Ext+V follows ^V, use _ExtDV.
    ;mapVK_mecSym    = ANS2ISO			; ANS2ISO, ISO2ANS - convert KbdType
    ;;  DreymaR's Cmk-IBM help images (5*14 keys @96dpi)
    img_sizeWH      = 812,282			; (541,188 @64dpi)
    ;;  DreymaR's compact help images (3*10 keys @48dpi)
    ;img_sizeWH      = 292,85			; ISO-Angle 298,85. Others 292,85.
    ;;  Scaling factor for help images, in %. (96->64)dpi = 66.66%; (96->48)dpi = 50%
    img_scale       = 100
    ;;  Background image (key caps etc) and a background color for the image panel
    img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ISO_nice-tinted.png
    ;img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ISO_finger-eD-FShui.png
    img_bgColor     = 999999
    ;;  On/Off, Extend, Dead key and Shift state marker (e.g., MagBlob, GrnBlob) images
    icons_OnOff     = Files\ImgIcons\Co-5_
    img_Extend1     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO_Ext1.png
    img_Extend2     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO_Ext2.png
    img_Extend3     = Files\ImgExtend\ISO_Ext3.png
    img_Extend4     = Files\ImgExtend\_Empty_Ext.png
    img_DKeyDir     = .\Cmk-eD-ISO\DeadkeyImg
    img_shftDir     = Files\ImgModStates\GrnBlob
    ;;  This section is not used by EPKL, but a PKL Perl script used it to determine fingering colors.
    ;row1 = 1123344566788	; Num   ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
    ;row2 = 1123445567888	; Top   →  Q W F P G J L U Y ; [ ]
    ;row3 = 1123445567888	; Hom   ↑  A R S T D H N E I O ' \
    ;row4 =  12344955678 	; Low     _ Z X C V B K M , . /
    shiftStates    =			0	:	1	:	2	:	6	:	7		;	8	:	9
    ;; SC = VKEY    	CStat	Base	Shift	Ctrl	AltGr	AGrSh	;	SGCap	SGCSh
    SC029 = OEM_5   	0   	`   	~   	--  	@07e	≈   	; QWERTY `~ - dk_Tilde (ANS/ISO_3/5)
    SC002 = 1       	0   	1   	!   	--  	@323	¡   	; QWERTY 1! - dk_DotBelow
    SC003 = 2       	0   	2   	@   	--  	@309	²   	; QWERTY 2@ - dk_HookAbove/PalatalHook
    SC004 = 3       	0   	3   	#   	--  	@31b	³   	; QWERTY 3# - dk_Horn/Tail/RetroflexHook
    SC005 = 4       	0   	4   	$   	--  	€		£   	; QWERTY 4$ - dk_Currency
    SC006 = 5       	0   	5   	%   	--  	@0b5	‰   	; QWERTY 5% - dk_Greek(Mu)
    SC007 = 6       	0   	6   	^   	--  	@05e	∂   	; QWERTY 6^ - dk_Circumflex
    SC008 = 7       	0   	7   	&   	--  	@2c7	¬   	; QWERTY 7& - dk_Caron
    SC009 = 8       	0   	8   	*   	--  	@2db	∞   	; QWERTY 8* - dk_Ogonek/CommaBelow
    SC00a = 9       	0   	9   	(   	--  	@2d8	·   	; QWERTY 9( - dk_Breve
    SC00b = 0       	0   	0   	)   	--  	@0b0	°   	; QWERTY 0) - dk_RingAbove/Lig
    SC00c = OEM_PLUS	0   	-   	_   	--  	@0af	±   	; QWERTY -_ - dk_Macron (ANS/ISO_MINUS/PLUS)
    SC00d = OEM_4   	0   	=   	+   	--  	@2dd	≠   	; QWERTY =+ - dk_DblAcute/Sci (ANS/ISO_PLUS/4)
    SC010 = Q       	1   	q   	Q   	--  	‚   	„   	; QWERTY qQ
    SC011 = W       	1   	w   	W   	--  	‘   	“   	; QWERTY wW
    SC012 = F       	1   	f   	F   	--  	’   	”   	; QWERTY eE
    SC013 = P       	1   	p   	P   	--  	π   	¶   	; QWERTY rR
    SC014 = G       	5   	g   	G   	--  	ŋ   	Ŋ   	; QWERTY tT
    SC015 = J       	5   	j   	J   	--  	ʃ   	Ʃ   	; QWERTY yY
    SC016 = L       	5   	l   	L   	--  	‹   	«	  	; QWERTY uU
    SC017 = U       	1   	u   	U   	--  	ù  		Ù   	; QWERTY iI
    SC018 = Y       	1   	y   	Y   	--  	›   	»   	; QWERTY oO
    SC019 = OEM_3   	0   	;   	:   	--  	@0a8	…   	; QWERTY pP - dk_Umlaut (ANS/ISO_1/3)
    SC01a = OEM_6   	4   	[   	{   	&Esc	å   	Å   	; QWERTY [{ Cmk[eD]-## (ANS/ISO_4/6)
    SC01b = OEM_1   	4   	]   	}   	--  	æ   	Æ   	; QWERTY ]} Cmk[eD]-## (ANS/ISO_6/1)
    SC01e = A       	1   	a   	A   	--  	à   	À   	; QWERTY aA
    SC01f = R       	1   	r   	R   	--  	®   	™   	; QWERTY sS
    SC020 = S       	1   	s   	S   	--  	ß   	§   	; QWERTY dD
    SC021 = T       	5   	t   	T   	--  	þ   	Þ   	; QWERTY fF
    SC022 = D       	5   	d   	D   	--  	ð   	Ð   	; QWERTY gG
    SC023 = H       	5   	h   	H   	--  	ħ   	Ħ   	; QWERTY hH
    SC024 = N       	1   	n   	N   	--  	–   	↑   	; QWERTY jJ
    SC025 = E       	1   	e   	E   	--  	è   	È   	; QWERTY kK
    SC026 = I       	1   	i   	I   	--  	ì   	Ì   	; QWERTY lL
    SC027 = O       	1   	o   	O   	--  	ò   	Ò   	; QWERTY ;:
    SC028 = OEM_7   	0   	'   	"   	--  	@0b4	′   	; QWERTY '"" - dk_Acute/Superscript (ANS/ISO_7)
    SC02b = OEM_2   	0   	\   	|   	--  	@060	¦   	; QWERTY \|  - dk_Grave/Subscript (ANS/ISO_5/2)
    SC056 = OEM_102 	5   	/   	\   	--  	ø   	Ø   	; QWERTY OEM_102 Cmk[eD]-## (ISO_102)
    SC02c = Z       	5   	z   	Z   	--  	ʒ   	Ʒ   	; QWERTY zZ
    SC02d = X       	1   	x   	X   	--  	†   	‡   	; QWERTY xX
    SC02e = C       	1   	c   	C   	--  	©   	¢   	; QWERTY cC
    SC02f = V       	1   	v   	V   	--  	÷   	γ   	; QWERTY vV
    SC030 = B       	1   	b   	B   	--  	•   	β   	; QWERTY bB
    SC031 = K       	5   	k   	K   	--  	ç   	Ç   	; QWERTY nN
    SC032 = M       	1   	m   	M   	--  	×   	↓   	; QWERTY mM
    SC033 = OEM_COMMA 	0   	,   	<   	--  	@0b8	≤   	; QWERTY ,< - dk_Cedilla
    SC034 = OEM_PERIOD 	0   	.   	>   	--  	@2d9	≥   	; QWERTY .> - dk_DotAbove
    SC035 = OEM_MINUS	0   	/   	?   	--  	@02f	¿   	; QWERTY /? - dk_Stroke/Bar (ANS/ISO_2/MINUS)
    SC039 = SPACE   	0   	Spc 	Spc 	--  	    	    	; QWERTY Space
    SC053 = DECIMAL 	0   	.   	,   	--  	--  	--  	; QWERTY Numpad Decimal
    ;SC03a = BACK    	VirtualKey	; CapsLock as Backspace (CAPITAL -> BACK)
    ;SC03a = Extend  	Modifier	; CapsLock as the Extend key
    ;;  Names listed in this section will override those in the deadkey tables file.
    ;@323 = DotBelow      	; . - Dot below
    ;@309 = Hook-Palatal  	; ̉  - Hook, palatal hook, rhotic hook
    ;@31b = Horn-Tail     	; ̛ - Horn, tail
    ;@0a4 = Currency      	; ¤ - Currency symbols
    ;@0b5 = Greek         	; µ - Greek letters
    ;@05e = Circumflex    	; ^ - Circumflex
    ;@2c7 = Caron         	; ˇ - Caron
    ;@2db = Ogonek-CmBel  	; ˛ - Ogonek, comma below
    ;@2d8 = Breve         	; ˘ - Breve, Gr. Vrachy
    ;@0b0 = RingAbov-Lig  	; ° - Ring above, ligatures, ring symbols
    ;@0af = Macron        	; ¯ - Macron, horz. line symbols
    ;@2dd = DblAcute-Sci  	; ˝ - Double acute, science/math symbols
    ;@0a8 = Umlaut        	; ¨ - Umlaut, diaeresis, Gr. Dialytika
    ;@07e = Tilde         	; ~ - Tilde, Gr. Perispomeni
    ;@0b4 = Acute-Sup     	; ´ - Acute, Gr. Tonos-Oxia, superscripts
    ;@060 = Grave-Sub     	; ` - Grave, Gr. Varia, subscripts
    ;@0b8 = Cedilla       	; ¸ - Cedilla
    ;@2d9 = DotAbove      	; ˙ - Dot above, dot symbols
    ;@02f = Stroke-Bar    	; / - Stroke, bar, fractions

    This is the edited "BaseLayout_Cmk-eD_ANS.ini"

    ;;  Layout definitions
    ;;  for Portable Keyboard Layout by Farkas Máté [https://github.com/Portable-Keyboard-Layout]
    ;;  edition DreymaR (Øystein B Gadmar, 2015-)   [https://github.com/DreymaR/BigBagKbdTrixPKL]
    ;;  To use this layout, edit the EPKL_Layouts.ini 'layout = ' and/or Type/Mod/ID/etc entries.
    ;;  Alternatively, run EPKL in compactMode with the layout's files in the main program folder.
    ;;  This is an EPKL style layout.ini file
    ;;    - It may point to a base layout, Extend and DeadKey table files containing layout parts
    ;;    - The layout file specifies changes from the base layout, remaps and other layout info
    ;;    - A classic PKL layout.ini file can be reconstructed from the component files
    ;;    - If the layout file uses remaps, those must be redone manually for full reconstruction
    layoutName      = Colemak-eD (ANSI)
    layoutCode      = Cmk-eD-ANSI
    localeID        = 00000409
    copyright       = DreymaR (GPL v4)
    company         = Shai Coleman, DreymaR
    homepage        = http://forum.colemak.com/viewtopic.php?id=1467
    version         = 4.0
    ;;  A layout may augment its base one. The Remap file contains ergo and other layout remaps.
    ;;  The Extend/dkList/string files hold Extend, dead key and literal/PowerString definitions.
    ;baseLayout      = Colemak-eD\BaseLayout_Cmk-eD_ANS
    ;remapsFile      = Files\_eD_Remap.ini
    ;extendFile      = Files\_eD_Extend.ini
    ;dkListFile      = Files\_eD_DeadKeys.ini
    ;stringFile      = Files\_eD_PwrStrings.ini
    ;;  The "layout/soft" ScanCode map is for typing, the "extend/hard" one for Extend mappings.
    ;;  The "mechanical layout" VirtualKey map is mainly for ANS(I)/ISO/JIS conversion.
    ;mapSC_layout    = Tarmak_1C_ANS	; Tarmak_#, Tarmak_#C_ANS
    ;mapSC_layout    = CmkCAW_ANS		; Angle_ANS, AWide_ANS, CmkCAW_ANS etc - see _eD_Remap.ini
    ;mapSC_extend    = AWide_ANS_ExtDV 	; Only "hard" (non-letter) mods. If DH Ext+V follows ^V, use _ExtDV.
    ;mapVK_mecSym    = ANS2ISO			; ANS2ISO, ISO2ANS - convert KbdType
    ;;  DreymaR's Cmk-IBM help images (5*14 keys @96dpi)
    img_sizeWH      = 812,282			; (541,188 @64dpi)
    ;;  DreymaR's compact help images (3*10 keys @48dpi)
    ;img_sizeWH      = 292,85			; ISO-Angle 298,85. Others 292,85.
    ;;  Scaling factor for help images, in %. (96->64)dpi = 66.66%; (96->48)dpi = 50%
    img_scale       = 100
    ;;  Background image (key caps etc) and a background color for the image panel
    img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ANS_nice-tinted.png
    ;img_bgImage     = Files\ImgBackground\Bg_ANS_finger-eD-FShui.png
    img_bgColor     = 999999
    ;;  On/Off, Extend, Dead key and Shift state marker (e.g., MagBlob, GrnBlob) images
    icons_OnOff     = Files\ImgIcons\Co-5_
    img_Extend1     = Files\ImgExtend\ANS_Ext1.png
    img_Extend2     = Files\ImgExtend\ANS_Ext2.png
    img_Extend3     = Files\ImgExtend\ANS_Ext3.png
    img_Extend4     = Files\ImgExtend\_Empty_Ext.png
    img_DKeyDir     = .\Cmk-eD-ANS\DeadkeyImg
    img_shftDir     = Files\ImgModStates\GrnBlob
    ;;  This section is not used by EPKL, but a PKL Perl script used it to determine fingering colors.
    ;row1 = 1123344566788	; Num   ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
    ;row2 = 1123445567888	; Top   →  Q W F P G J L U Y ; [ ]
    ;row3 = 1123445567888	; Hom   ↑  A R S T D H N E I O ' \
    ;row4 =  12344955678 	; Low     _ Z X C V B K M , . /
    shiftStates    =			0	:	1	:	2	:	6	:	7		;	8	:	9
    ;; SC = VKEY    	CStat	Base	Shift	Ctrl	AltGr	AGrSh	;	SGCap	SGCSh
    SC029 = OEM_3   	0   	`   	~   	--  	@07e	≈   	; QWERTY `~ - dk_Tilde (ANS/ISO_3/5)
    SC002 = 1       	0   	1   	!   	--  	@323	¡   	; QWERTY 1! - dk_DotBelow
    SC003 = 2       	0   	2   	@   	--  	@309	²   	; QWERTY 2@ - dk_HookAbove/PalatalHook
    SC004 = 3       	0   	3   	#   	--  	@31b	³   	; QWERTY 3# - dk_Horn/Tail/RetroflexHook
    SC005 = 4       	0   	4   	$   	--  	€		£   	; QWERTY 4$ - dk_Currency
    SC006 = 5       	0   	5   	%   	--  	@0b5	‰   	; QWERTY 5% - dk_Greek(Mu)
    SC007 = 6       	0   	6   	^   	--  	@05e	∂   	; QWERTY 6^ - dk_Circumflex
    SC008 = 7       	0   	7   	&   	--  	@2c7	¬   	; QWERTY 7& - dk_Caron
    SC009 = 8       	0   	8   	*   	--  	@2db	∞   	; QWERTY 8* - dk_Ogonek/CommaBelow
    SC00a = 9       	0   	9   	(   	--  	@2d8	·   	; QWERTY 9( - dk_Breve
    SC00b = 0       	0   	0   	)   	--  	@0b0	°   	; QWERTY 0) - dk_RingAbove/Lig
    SC00c = OEM_MINUS	0   	-   	_   	--  	@0af	±   	; QWERTY -_ - dk_Macron (ANS/ISO_MINUS/PLUS)
    SC00d = OEM_PLUS	0   	=   	+   	--  	@2dd	≠   	; QWERTY =+ - dk_DblAcute/Sci (ANS/ISO_PLUS/4)
    SC010 = Q       	1   	q   	Q   	--  	‚   	„   	; QWERTY qQ
    SC011 = W       	1   	w   	W   	--  	‘   	“   	; QWERTY wW
    SC012 = F       	1   	f   	F   	--  	’   	”   	; QWERTY eE
    SC013 = P       	1   	p   	P   	--  	π   	¶   	; QWERTY rR
    SC014 = G       	5   	g   	G   	--  	ŋ   	Ŋ   	; QWERTY tT
    SC015 = J       	5   	j   	J   	--  	ʃ   	Ʃ   	; QWERTY yY
    SC016 = L       	5   	l   	L   	--  	‹   	«   	; QWERTY uU
    SC017 = U       	1   	u   	U   	--  	ù  		Ù   	; QWERTY iI
    SC018 = Y       	1   	y   	Y   	--  	›   	»   	; QWERTY oO
    SC019 = OEM_1   	0   	;   	:   	--  	@0a8	…   	; QWERTY pP - dk_Umlaut (ANS/ISO_1/3)
    SC01a = OEM_4   	4   	[   	{   	&Esc	å   	Å   	; QWERTY [{ Cmk[eD]-## (ANS/ISO_4/6)
    SC01b = OEM_6   	4   	]   	}   	--  	æ   	Æ   	; QWERTY ]} Cmk[eD]-## (ANS/ISO_6/1)
    SC01e = A       	1   	a   	A   	--  	à   	À   	; QWERTY aA
    SC01f = R       	1   	r   	R   	--  	®   	™   	; QWERTY sS
    SC020 = S       	1   	s   	S   	--  	ß   	§   	; QWERTY dD
    SC021 = T       	5   	t   	T   	--  	þ   	Þ   	; QWERTY fF
    SC022 = D       	5   	d   	D   	--  	ð   	Ð   	; QWERTY gG
    SC023 = H       	5   	h   	H   	--  	ħ   	Ħ   	; QWERTY hH
    SC024 = N       	1   	n   	N   	--  	–   	↑   	; QWERTY jJ
    SC025 = E       	1   	e   	E   	--  	è   	È   	; QWERTY kK
    SC026 = I       	1   	i   	I   	--  	ì   	Ì   	; QWERTY lL
    SC027 = O       	1   	o   	O   	--  	ò   	Ò   	; QWERTY ;:
    SC028 = OEM_7   	0   	'   	"   	--  	@0b4	′   	; QWERTY '"" - dk_Acute/Superscript (ANS/ISO_7)
    SC02b = OEM_5   	0   	\   	|   	--  	@060	¦   	; QWERTY \|  - dk_Grave/Subscript (ANS/ISO_5/2)
    SC056 = OEM_102 	5   	/   	\   	--  	ø   	Ø   	; QWERTY OEM_102 Cmk[eD]-## (ISO_102)
    SC02c = Z       	5   	z   	Z   	--  	ʒ   	Ʒ   	; QWERTY zZ
    SC02d = X       	1   	x   	X   	--  	†   	‡   	; QWERTY xX
    SC02e = C       	1   	c   	C   	--  	©   	¢   	; QWERTY cC
    SC02f = V       	1   	v   	V   	--  	÷   	γ   	; QWERTY vV
    SC030 = B       	1   	b   	B   	--  	•   	β   	; QWERTY bB
    SC031 = K       	5   	k   	K   	--  	ç   	Ç   	; QWERTY nN
    SC032 = M       	1   	m   	M   	--  	×   	↓   	; QWERTY mM
    SC033 = OEM_COMMA 	0   	,   	<   	--  	@0b8	≤   	; QWERTY ,< - dk_Cedilla
    SC034 = OEM_PERIOD 	0   	.   	>   	--  	@2d9	≥   	; QWERTY .> - dk_DotAbove
    SC035 = OEM_2   	0   	/   	?   	--  	@02f	¿   	; QWERTY /? - dk_Stroke/Bar (ANS/ISO_2/MINUS)
    SC039 = SPACE   	0   	Spc 	Spc 	--  	    	    	; QWERTY Space
    SC053 = DECIMAL 	0   	.   	,   	--  	--  	--  	; QWERTY Numpad Decimal
    ;SC03a = BACK    	VirtualKey	; CapsLock as Backspace (CAPITAL -> BACK)
    ;SC03a = Extend  	Modifier	; CapsLock as the Extend key
    ;;  Names listed in this section will override those in the deadkey tables file.
    ;@323 = DotBelow      	; . - Dot below
    ;@309 = Hook-Palatal  	; ̉  - Hook, palatal hook, rhotic hook
    ;@31b = Horn-Tail     	; ̛ - Horn, tail
    ;@0a4 = Currency      	; ¤ - Currency symbols
    ;@0b5 = Greek         	; µ - Greek letters
    ;@05e = Circumflex    	; ^ - Circumflex
    ;@2c7 = Caron         	; ˇ - Caron
    ;@2db = Ogonek-CmBel  	; ˛ - Ogonek, comma below
    ;@2d8 = Breve         	; ˘ - Breve, Gr. Vrachy
    ;@0b0 = RingAbov-Lig  	; ° - Ring above, ligatures, ring symbols
    ;@0af = Macron        	; ¯ - Macron, horz. line symbols
    ;@2dd = DblAcute-Sci  	; ˝ - Double acute, science/math symbols
    ;@0a8 = Umlaut        	; ¨ - Umlaut, diaeresis, Gr. Dialytika
    ;@07e = Tilde         	; ~ - Tilde, Gr. Perispomeni
    ;@0b4 = Acute-Sup     	; ´ - Acute, Gr. Tonos-Oxia, superscripts
    ;@060 = Grave-Sub     	; ` - Grave, Gr. Varia, subscripts
    ;@0b8 = Cedilla       	; ¸ - Cedilla
    ;@2d9 = DotAbove      	; ˙ - Dot above, dot symbols
    ;@02f = Stroke-Bar    	; / - Stroke, bar, fractions

    I need help images for standard "Cmk-eD_ANS_CurlAngle" and standard "Cmk-eD_ISO_CurlAngle" BUT with the above files as base layout.


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    • Reputation: 1
    • Registered: 29-Apr-2020
    • Posts: 16

    The next question is how I should send you the results


    For a second I thought base64, but then realized that is not a good idea

    Yes, you can send them in my discord, I'll text you in a second


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