UPDATE: I managed to see my failure, I missed putting -variant colemak as well as option misc:cmk_curl_dh. In my question I see now that I should have provided the full command I used instead of just refering to pc104caw-zqu as without this information or what the actual mapping I was getting, it was hard for anyone to help. With this command I have fixed the problem:
setxkbmap -model pc104caw-zqu -layout us -variant colemak -option lv5:caps_switch_lock,misc:extend,misc:cmk_curl_dh -v 9
Then I set the active layer on my keyboard to qwerty.
I tried replying directly to "DreymaR's Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks (Linux/XKB files included)!" guide, however, it seems to have not gone through. I cannot seem to get pc104caw-zqu to work on my Arco Linux B (Xmonad edition). I have installed DreymaR's XKB scripts system-wide using the included installer script for bash, as well as the system setxkbmap with no joy. The keyboard mappings do change but not at all to what I would expect and different than the guide images. Not entirely sure what I am doing wrong as I also tried xfce4-keyboard settings although I use Xmonad window manager, that GUI was installed. I see all the layouts added on the list.
I have a ANSI PC104 (WASD Version 3) keyboard currently programmed with Colemak-DH. I would like to use the wide-angle mod as well more importantly the Extended layout mod. Not sure why XKB would be causing me problems, even if I could only get the extended to work I could manually program the keyboard for wide, not sure even now to get extended as I also tried the included setxkb script with the -option misc:extend.
If someone could guide me as to how I can approach solving this problem it would be greatly appreciated.