Intrigued by Colemak and looking for a challenge I began learning Colemak end of July and one week later the Colemak-DH became my new layout. I have been practicing at least five hours every day without fail on sites like ["", "", ""] to name a few. According to English Paragraph Typing Test I type 45 wpm, though I find this to be variable as on nitrotype I have achieved as high as 58 wpm usualy averaging 50. While I have been happily maintaining an average accuracy of 97% (nitrotype) I wonder if this is good or is possible to improve. My experience typing on Colemak is that I wish I had done this earlier in life, it should be offered to touch typing students as an option. I will not go back to QWERTY unless I was forced to for a job and I would maintain Colemak at home. I feel that it is a faster layout but cannot prove it, because while I have been successful in achieving much higher speeds, I too have been spending most of my waking hours doing deliberate typing practice. Maybe its the challenge of learning something new or the joy I have from surpassing 40 wpm has given me the bug, of which I am unsure, I can say that I have been addicted to typing and enjoy the process now with Colemak.
I seem to have lost the ability to type on Qwerty without deep thought. I have heard that most people retain Qwerty but get slower at it, for me this was not the case. I believe the reason is I consciously decided I was not going to waste brain space on it anymore and that Colemak was all I will ever need. If I did not make such a decision and completely stop typing on it, I would probably be OK at typing on it. But I don't feel lost without it mostly because I only use my own computer and keyboard.
From just over one month of learning Colemak, I definitely recommend it to anyone who is willing to learn. The first days up till about two weeks typing felt very exhausting, I was very slow, painfully so and it was a mental exercise to remember where the keys were. My keyboard does not have any letters or numbers printed, so I cannot look down and I did not print any sheet to reference. I would use the internet to pull up a reference If needed but I went cold turkey, all in.
Question, is it possible to avg 100% accuracy? What other sites should I use. I have also been using keybr as well as typingcat. Any feedback is appreciated.