I've been thinking/reading (https://forum.colemak.com/post/8851/#p8851) about same-finger inefficiencies and so enumerated which bigrams seem common/troublesome. Thought I'd share what I just started doing to recognize and get better with these....
This is not a scientific analysis, just a simple word count from OED. I'm sure it would be better to get word usage frequencies, but I don't think it matters for just practice purposes.
The bigrams (with rounded OED appearance counts):
- NK/KN (380)
- LK/KL (210)
- DG (130)
- MN/NM (100)
- SC (720) **
- UE/EU (500)
- WR (120)
- NH/HN (120)
The first group is amenable to finger "rearrangements" (and then you get a few really interesting trigrams to figure out where you're shifting 3 fingers: ULK, UKN, etc). The second group might need some sort of "sliding" (UE, WR) (and maybe assuming you have a matrix layout). The SC is a special case that doesn't seem slideable since you're so curled, but a middle-then-index is feeling comfortable enough with it.
If you have bash or something like it, you can generate lists of these to feed into https://www.keybr.com/ (see Settings -> Provide your own custom text)
❯ echo `cut -f1 -d' ' $dict G kn |tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | shuf` # $dict is some path to where you keep your dictionary file, 'kn' is the bigram you wish to practice
knoll hackney jackknife knitting unknown well-known clasp-knife knowingly thickness knee-jerk knowledgeable flick-knife paper-knife hackneyed knelt foreknow knave sickness unknot knuckleduster knapweed knight kneel knickers knee know-how hackney knife nickname knew fish-knife knit reef-knot unknown palette-knife knowledge knocking-shop banknote knacker knobbly knack unknowable unknown unacknowledged knell weak-kneed knead knurl knuckle knickerbocker knot1 knockout knotty unbeknown knuckle close-knit knapsack knee-bend knock knife-pleat acknowledge knock-on self-knowledge kneeler unknown kneecap knight knot-hole knotgrass knob knee-deep acknowledgement cockney cracknel knockabout topknot knick-knack knocker known penknife knives knee-high slip-knot knot2 weakness knickerbocker knight breakneck knee-length know knock knitwear know-all knowing knock-up knees-up unknowing knitting-machine antiknock knock-down camiknickers knitting-needle knee-breeches knife-edge doorknob
Maybe it's only worth focusing on LK, NK.
For "down-sliding" I'm considering if it's worth getting shorter caps for U (to get an easier UE), etc.
Feedback/ideas appreciated. I could have missed some good combos, and I can explain more if what I'm describing isn't clear.