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    AutoHotkey Missing Keystrokes

    • Started by yabkuulzzl
    • 6 Replies:
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    • Registered: 15-Jan-2021
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    I am working on a windows machine and my employer doesn't allow me to download and install colemak :(. I do have AutoHotkey on the machine though so I have used the autohotkey file referenced here https://colemak.com/AutoHotKey to create an autohotkey script to convert QWERTY to Colemak.

    It generally works pretty well, but I noticed that sometimes if I am typing fast, AHK will miss a keystroke and type the qwerty key (instead of the Colemak key)

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to improve the efficiency of AHK with Colemak?


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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
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    Yes, raw AHK isn't up to the challenge. That's why we have the EPKL program which uses critical thread priority and multiple keystroke timers. Check out the BigBag or the link below to get directly to EPKL.

    If you can't even run programs such as the compiled EPKL, it should be possible to run with your AHK provided it's the right version. I've used and tested AHK v1.1.26.

    ( のvの) c[_] ~(  See the EPKL repo on GitHub  )

    Last edited by DreymaR (15-Jan-2021 10:27:23)

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    I noticed the same with PKL, but only when the computer is very loaded with other tasks.

    Another annoyance with PKL is that, when switching between layouts (Colemak-Rulemak), it temporarily reverts to Qwerty until the new layout is loaded (which can take a few seconds if it's not cached in memory - further layout switches work better, until it's evicted from cache again).

    I will look into EPKL if it fixes these issues.

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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    PKL and EPKL are not built for rapid layout switches I'm afraid, as they're based on restarting the program for each such switch. I've considered making EPKL a truly multi-layout program but it's a ways down on the TODO list.

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    • From: Belgium
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    It does not need to be "fast" (it's fast enough once the program & layout files are cached in memory again, so multiple consecutive switches are usually fine), just not revert to Qwerty in the meantime "while" it's switching.

    Last edited by ghen (15-Jan-2021 14:04:30)
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    • Reputation: 216
    • From: Viken, Norway
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    Let me know if you find EPKL any different in this respect! If anything, I fear it may have a little longer startup time because of the functionality I've added.

    Last edited by DreymaR (15-Jan-2021 15:57:20)

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    @DreymaR I've been using EPKL on my machine for a day now and it's been great! Haven't noticed any skipping. Thanks for the suggestion

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