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    Colemak on iPad

    • Started by karmacashflow
    • 2 Replies:
    • Reputation: 0
    • Registered: 30-Jan-2021
    • Posts: 1

    Hey all,

    So I have a brand new iPad Pro and a bluetooth keyboard for it. While I can get a Colemak keyboard on the screen, I am having MASSIVE issues trying to connect my actual bluetooth keyboard and use it in a Colemak layout. It is only allowing the bluetooth Keyboard to work in QWERTY but not in Colemak. Anyone able to solve this problem?

    P.S. I just decided yesterday to switch to Colemak all out. Didn't even know about it until 3 days ago. ?

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    • Reputation: 117
    • From: UK
    • Registered: 14-Apr-2014
    • Posts: 978

    Yeah, the on-screen software keyboard is a separate thing from connected hardware. You'll need to install something that will support connected physical keyboard (either via USB or bluetooth). I have done this on Android, but unfortunately my knowledge IPad/IPhone is pretty non-existent, hopefully someone else with Apple knowledge can advise...

    Last edited by stevep99 (31-Jan-2021 14:25:37)

    Using Colemak-DH with Seniply.

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    • Reputation: 214
    • From: Viken, Norway
    • Registered: 13-Dec-2006
    • Posts: 5,364

    Meanwhile, on screen I recommend using MessagEase or a similar touch-screen optimized board. See the BigBag – not sure if you can customize it as much on iPhone but the default setup is very good anyway.

    *** Learn Colemak in 2–5 steps with Tarmak! ***
    *** Check out my Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks for Win/Linux/TMK... ***

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