Does anyone have experience with transmorphic layouts? That is, without modifier keys your layout is Colemak, but with any modifier key pressed (CMD, OPT, CTRL) it changes to QWERTY.
A bit of background - I'm using Colemak for ~5 years and pretty happy with it.The problem is - I have to constantly switch between Colemak for text, and QWERTY for shortcuts. I find it very hard to use Colemak for all gazillion shortcuts I use all the time, and have no problem with mentally switching between Colemak/QWERTY. However, an extra shortcut to switch between layouts is annoying.
I searched and failed to find a solution, which I need both for Mac (priority) and Windows (secondary). macOS has a build-in Dvorak+QWERTY-CMD transmorphic layout, but it has two issues:
1. It's activated by CMD only. No OPT or CTRL (Wtf?).
2. It's not Colemak.
All suggestions are appreciated.