Part of what got me to start learning Colemak is that the issue of VIM was addressed. That is, there's a remapping for VIM for Colemak. VIM was my favorite editor and I didn't want to give it up. Well, after trying to make it work with Colemak, I realize that it's fundamentally flawed.
There are two paradigms going on with VIM. The first is using letters for mnemonics, such as N for Next. The second is using the layout as a GUI. It's the second paradigm that's the problem--for example, using HJKL for movement. This essentially ties the editor to the keyboard layout: QWERTY. The Colemak remapping goes a long way toward making VIM workable with Colemak, but it just extends the problem: it ties VIM to Colemak. Take Insert and Append on the left home row for example (in Colemak). They're placed there for GUI reasons (that is the physical space they occupy; I realize I'm abusing the term GUI here). The mnemonics are arbitrary and made up after the fact. But we have GUIs these days and have had them for many years. I imagine most of you, even if you run Terminal or CMD, run it in a GUI. Moving these commands to the GUI separates it from the keyboard layout allowing you to use any layout you please.
I tried going back to QWERTY for a while to have full use of VIM. It sucked. I blame VIM, so VIM sucks (by association). I'm looking for a new editor. I'll check out Sublime Text.