I have been touch typing on qwerty around 9 months then switched to Dvorak and used it around 6 months and its been 3 months since I have switched to Colemak DH. My speeds and accuracies were (100 wpm and 90%) on qwerty, (105-110 wpm and 92-95%) on Dvorak and (110-120 wpm and 95+%) on Colemak DH. I like to use Colemak DH but the pain around the ring finger of my left hand is so much annoying. I know that Colemak DH is supposed to be comfortable to hands but in reality Dvorak seems to be more comforting to my hands than Colemak DH but the downside of Dvorak is that weird placements of important letters. That just is not what I want. Can anyone help me out with the pain issue on Colemak DH because I don't want to switch to Dvorak again and don't even want to learn new layout like workman.
I am using normal styled mechanical keyboard (65% keyboard) which is quite good.